Another one. Is anyone keeping a list?
#UKPoltics #ToryGrifters #CapitalistBastards
#capitalistbastards #torygrifters #ukpoltics
#Solidarity #SupportTheStrikes #EnoughIsEnough #SOSNHS #JoinAUnion #FairPayForAll #CostOfVotingToryCrisis #Greedflation #CapitalistBastards #FuckTheTories
#capitalistbastards #FuckTheTories #greedflation #costofvotingtorycrisis #FairPayForAll #joinaunion #SOSNHS #enoughisenough #SupportTheStrikes #solidarity
There's a new Led By Donkeys video out. It's predictably excellent.
#LedByDonkeys #ThamesWater #CapitalistBastards #UKPolitics #Sewage #Greedflation #Profiteering #Privatisation
#privatisation #profiteering #greedflation #sewage #ukpolitics #capitalistbastards #thameswater #ledbydonkeys
This is fucking incredible.
GPLB: "The chief executive of the water company Severn Trent is seeking backing from industry and the Labour party for British utility firms to be reformed as βsocial purposeβ companies that would stay in private hands but give greater weight to the needs of customers, staff and the environment."
WTF is "greater weight"? And why the actual fuck do they think they shouldn't already be doing that out of the MASSIVE FUCKING PROFITS? π€¬π€¬
#UKPolitics #CapitalistBastards
#capitalistbastards #ukpolitics
Private Eye, almost a decade ahead of the game on Thames Water.
#Greedflation #CapitalistBastards #PrivatisationIsAGrift
#privatisationisagrift #capitalistbastards #greedflation
@artfuldodger I'm adopting your excellent hashtag forthwith π
@fkamiah17 with tongue in cheek I can wonder how that happened #capitalistbastards