Schon mitbekommen? Im Brumaire Verlag erscheint demnächst die deutsche Übersetzung von Mark Fishers „Capitalist Desires“. Hab’s gerade im Jacobin Podcast gehört und freue mich tierisch
#MarkFisher #capitalistrealism
@curtisysmith @GreenFire @afterconnery @Pomegracias
It is a bit weird. I said that Dems are not doing enough about #ClimateChange and KB answers with "you must really like Republicans and their climate policies."
I understand it to some extent, as a flavor of #CapitalistRealism. When you believe there is no alternative to a two-party system or #capitalism and no chance of a radical change, small incremental "wins" is all you can hope for. Then you lash out at "doomers" for speaking the truth.
#capitalism #capitalistrealism #climatechange
To #CapitalistRealism —the inability to imagine a world without capitalism—we can add “Hierarchical Realism,” the inability to imagine life without the sort of violent hierarchies of command we live under today.
It’s a close corollary to the Hobbesian Fallacy, the idea that life in the absence of the state is nasty, brutish, and short.
Hierarchy is not inevitable or universal. We do not perish without the state.
Kill the cops in your mind.
@LexYeen - 'It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.'
Mark Fisher wrote a whole book about it.
#CapitalistRealism #MarkFisher
#capitalistrealism #MarkFisher
I’d love a Mark Fisher quotes bot on Masto. #CapitalistRealism #Capitalism
#capitalistrealism #capitalism
K-Punk by Mark Fisher, RT from
In capitalism's anti-mythic myth, calculating business and a hugely amplified sentimental interiority become the only two faces of "reality", the cynicism of the one using the alleged authenticity of the other as its alibi.
#markfisher #capitalism #capitalistrealism #neoliberalism
K-Punk by Mark Fisher, RT from
Disaffection is incorporated into the mainstream while banal business presents itself as cool & cutting-edge, summed up by the rise of TV business shows such as The Apprentice & Dragon's Den, in which dreary & charmless opportunists get posited as charismatic cultural figures.
#markfisher #capitalism #capitalistrealism #neoliberalism
K-Punk by Mark fisher, RT from
Our misery, like our dreams, is the work of anonymous hands. It's an impersonal sadness, a nonspecific but pervasive pathos, that arises from the impasses of a culture where business has shut down not only the strangeness of the unconscious, but also any possibility of an outside.
#markfisher #capitalism #capitalistrealism #neoliberalism #untrue #tina
#markfisher #capitalism #capitalistrealism #neoliberalism #untrue #tina
K-Punk by Mark fisher, RT from
Neoliberalism reproduces itself through cynicism, through people doing things they "don't really believe". It's a question of power. People go along with auditing culture and business ontology not necessarily because they agree with it, but because that's the ruling order.
#markfisher #capitalism #capitalistrealism #neoliberalism #untrue #tina
#markfisher #capitalism #capitalistrealism #neoliberalism #untrue #tina
The philosophers Armen Avanessian and Mark Fisher meet in Innsbruck at a Zirbelstuben-like venue to talk over Semmeln and coffee about smartphones, depression and the ambiguities of academic life.
(from 2016 I believe)
#markfisher #acidcommunism #postcapitalistdesire #accelerationism #armenavanessian
#hyperstition #capitalistrealism
#capitalistrealism #Hyperstition #armenavanessian #accelerationism #postcapitalistdesire #acidcommunism #MarkFisher
Meine Begeisterung für »I Want a #BetterCatastrophe« (2023) von #AndrewBoyd lässt nicht nach. Über die Gespräche mit ›bemerkenswerten Hoffenden und Schwarzsehern‹ (hopers & doomers) lauter dolle neue Anregungen gefunden.
Bemerkenswert für #ProgressivePhantastik #HopePunk #SolarPunk Bubble:
»Dystopia: If the Zombie Apocalypse comes the Day After Tomorrow will Max still be Mad?« &
»Utopia: Our Afro-Indigenous-Trans-Eco-Socialist Futurism can beat up your #CapitalistRealism!«
#bettercatastrophe #andrewboyd #ProgressivePhantastik #hopepunk #solarpunk #capitalistrealism
With recent films like Air, Blackberry, and Flamin' Hot, 2023 seems to be the year of the Corporate Product Biopic Film. If this cinematic trend continues, I'm crossing my fingers for "Glass Houses: The Pet Rock Story" being released sometime next year ...
#Movies #Air #Blackberry #FlaminHot #CapitalistRealism #PetRock
#movies #air #blackberry #flaminhot #capitalistrealism #petrock
I've just cleaned out my RSS Feed Reader to remove dead domains and abandoned (no posts for 2+ years) blogs.
So I'm on the look-out for new blogs to follow. Must have an RSS Feed - please add suggestions in replies (yes, it certainly can be your blog)!
Subject areas: #Art, #AcidCommunism, #Anarchism, #Utopianism, #hauntology (theory rather than just music genre), #psychogeography, #CapitalistRealism
#art #acidcommunism #anarchism #utopianism #hauntology #psychogeography #capitalistrealism
Breaking #CapitalistRealism is really as easy as telling yourself
"You can just do stuff"
And then doing it.
#capitalistrealism #anarachism
Mark Fisher: K-Punk. The Collected and Unpublished Writings (2004-2016)
#postcapitalistdesire #capitalistrealism #MarkFisher
die ÖVP muss sterben, damit wir leben können.
#Oevp #TechSolutionism #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Propaganda #efuels #CapitalistRealism #RadikalisierterKonservatismus
#RadikalisierterKonservatismus #capitalistrealism #efuels #Propaganda #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #techsolutionism #OEVP
the ghosts of #markfisher by lola seaton
“Is it possible to retain some of the libidinal, technological infrastructure of capital and move beyond capital?"
Here Fisher dreams of a world “in which all the marvels of communicative technology could be combined with a sense of solidarity much stronger than anything social democracy could muster".
"Who knows what a culture in which the internet co- existed with strong social security would look like?"
#capitalistrealism #MarkFisher
#LosAngeles luxury. In gentrifying Koreatown, where unhoused people die on the street daily, this building rents out studio apartments for $2200-$3700/month. Its tenants still complain of bedbugs and roaches, indoor smoking, flooding and mold. The broken neon sign signals, in true #CapitalistRealism fashion, the failures of this economic order. A US where nothing functions, where even the wealthy have poor #QualityOfLife. The poor die for nothing.
#losangeles #capitalistrealism #qualityoflife
Already half way through this book 📖 and can't put it down! How relevant it is today even though it was written over a decade ago #MarkFisher #CapitalistRealism
#MarkFisher #capitalistrealism
@Penguinflight Nice #CapitalistRealism you got there. It'd be a shame if someone were to... imagine the end of capitalism.