The SEBI is advancing its plans to introduce one-hour trade settlements by the end of the current fiscal year.
#SEBI #ASBA #Forex #CapitalMarkets #TradeSettlements #SEBIPlans
#sebi #asba #forex #capitalmarkets #tradesettlements #sebiplans
One important point for anyone considering an #investment in #Alibaba or any #Chinese company. You are NOT acquiring an ownership interest in the company itself like you would if you bought #shares in an #american company. You are buying shares of a “variable interest entity” or #VIE which is a #shellcompany. #China has strict rules around foreign investment so companies like BABA use them to access #Western #capitalmarkets. In the US VIEs were used by Enron to mask its looming #Insolvency.
#investment #alibaba #chinese #shares #american #vie #shellcompany #china #western #capitalmarkets #insolvency
Singapore's GDP per capita compared to the US by Jeremy Au & we note that Singapore's GDP per capita ($82,794.000 USD in 2022) compared to the US ($62866.71 USD in 2022). Happy #NationalDay2023 Singapore
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#Singapore #GDP #useconomy #southeastasia #asean #technews #vc #privateequity #asiapacific #asiainvestors #capitalmarkets
#capitalmarkets #asiainvestors #asiapacific #privateequity #vc #technews #asean #southeastasia #useconomy #gdp #singapore #nationalday2023
Digital Assets for 1 Billion Rubles Issued in Russia in a Month - Platforms authorized by the Russian government issued digital assets worth around ... - #digitalfinancialassets #capitalmarkets #digitalassets #restrictions #centralbank #placements #dfamarket #financing #sanctions #sberbank #russian #growth #issues #russia #news #dfas #dfa
#dfa #dfas #news #russia #issues #growth #russian #sberbank #sanctions #financing #dfamarket #Placements #centralbank #restrictions #digitalassets #capitalmarkets #digitalfinancialassets
🏁 Aligning #Finance is key for this. From #SustainabilityStandards in 💵 #CapitalMarkets, bank & non-bank lending to 💸 leveraging #PublicFinance, e.g.:
📖 #TradeFinance & #CommodityTrading:
📖 #ClimateFinance & #DebtRestructuring:
#finance #sustainabilitystandards #capitalmarkets #PublicFinance #tradefinance #commoditytrading #climatefinance #debtrestructuring
BRICS Bank ‘Re-taps Into USD Bond Market’ With $1.25 Billion ‘Green’ Bonds - The development bank established by the BRICS group of nations has issued its firs... - #sustainabledevelopment #newdevelopmentbank #developingnations #developmentbank #capitalmarkets #greenprojects #development #greenbonds #investors #usdollars #projects #usdollar #finance #dollars #dollar #bonds #brics #bank #bond
#bond #bank #brics #bonds #Dollar #dollars #finance #usdollar #projects #usdollars #investors #greenbonds #development #greenprojects #capitalmarkets #developmentbank #developingnations #newdevelopmentbank #sustainabledevelopment
Beijing Stock Exchange (BSE) officially launched its stock market-making business on Feb. 20th, approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). BSE will introduce market-making trading on the basis of auction trading, which will help narrow bid-ask spreads and reduce investors' transaction costs.
#BeijingStockExchange #MarketMakingTrading #CapitalMarkets
#beijingstockexchange #marketmakingtrading #capitalmarkets
Oman Capital Markets Regulator Plans to Establish a Virtual Assets Regulatory Framework - The Oman Capital Market Authority (CMA) has said it plans to establish a regulator... - #virtualassetserviceproviders(vasps) #advocates&legalconsultants(saslo) #omancapitalmarketauthority(ocma) #saidal-shahryandpartners #capitalmarkets #xregconsulting #digitalassets #virtualassets #vasps
#vasps #virtualassets #digitalassets #xregconsulting #capitalmarkets #saidal #omancapitalmarketauthority #advocates #virtualassetserviceproviders