‘Blatantly erroneous’ — how 56 death sentences in 14 months defied latest Supreme Court guidelines
From not seeking mental health reports of convicts to ignoring mitigating factors, many trial courts have sidestepped Supreme Court’s guidelines while awarding the death penalty.
#DeathPenalty #TrialCourts #SupremeCourt #justice #MentalHealth #CapitalPunishment #india
#deathpenalty #trialcourts #supremecourt #justice #mentalhealth #capitalpunishment #india
With about 170 people on death raw, #Ghana has recently abolished capital punishment. It's not always WHERE you are, but it's the #progress (or regress) you're making.
בזמן שכ-170 אנשים ממתינים להוצאה להורג, #גאנה ביטלה את עונש המוות במדינה. מה שחשוב זה לא תמיד היכן נמצאים, אלא כיוון ההתקדמות (או התדרדרות).
#CapitalPunishment #DeathSentence #Africa #HumanRights #CessationSaturday #Shabbat @modernghana
#ghana #progress #גאנה #capitalpunishment #deathsentence #africa #HumanRights #cessationsaturday #shabbat
The government today announced a complete overhaul of colonial-era criminal laws to include maximum punishment for crimes like mob lynching and rape of minors and a new offence of "endangering unity" instead of sedition.
#CapitalPunishment #MobLynching #BigRevamp #IndianCriminalLaws
#capitalpunishment #moblynching #bigrevamp #indiancriminallaws
The government today announced a complete overhaul of colonial-era criminal laws to include maximum punishment for crimes like mob lynching and rape of minors and a new offence of "endangering unity" instead of sedition.
#CapitalPunishment #MobLynching #BigRevamp #IndianCriminalLaws
#capitalpunishment #moblynching #bigrevamp #indiancriminallaws
The government today announced a complete overhaul of colonial-era criminal laws to include maximum punishment for crimes like mob lynching and rape of minors and a new offence of "endangering unity" instead of sedition.
#CapitalPunishment #MobLynching #BigRevamp #IndianCriminalLaws
#capitalpunishment #moblynching #bigrevamp #indiancriminallaws
The government has introduced a bill for the complete overhaul of colonial-era Indian criminal laws.
#CapitalPunishment #MobLynching #BigRevamp #IndianCriminalLaws
#capitalpunishment #moblynching #bigrevamp #indiancriminallaws
The government has introduced a bill for the complete overhaul of colonial-era Indian criminal laws.
#CapitalPunishment #MobLynching #BigRevamp #IndianCriminalLaws
#capitalpunishment #moblynching #bigrevamp #indiancriminallaws
🇦🇺 16 year old girl said she does not want/need the shots, so the hospital said we’re not giving you the lungs you need to breathe. This is not health care, this is a capital punishment for not complying with medical tyranny.
#C19 #covidvaccine #medicaltyranny #capitalpunishment
Today in #Connecticut History, August 2: Connecticut’s Last Public Hanging
Read the Story and Subscribe for Daily Updates
#19thcentury #august #brooklyn #capitalpunishment #connecticuthistory #crime #crimeandpunishment #criminallaw #deathpenalty #executions #law #oliverwatkins #secondgreatawakening #socialmovements #thestate
#connecticut #19thcentury #august #brooklyn #capitalpunishment #connecticuthistory #crime #crimeandpunishment #criminallaw #deathpenalty #executions #law #oliverwatkins #secondgreatawakening #socialmovements #thestate
#Ghana's parliament on Tuesday voted to abolish the #deathpenalty, making the country the latest of several African nations that have moved to repeal #capitalpunishment in recent years. President @NAkufoAddo still has to assent for the law to take effect.
#Ghana #deathpenalty #capitalpunishment
One person, alleged to be the mastermind, has been arrested from Thoubal district, officials said.
#CapitalPunishment #ManipurHorror #ChiefMinister
#capitalpunishment #manipurhorror #chiefminister
The government said it is making an all-out effort is on to arrest the culprits at the earliest. According to a spokesperson of ITLF, the "despicable scene, which happened on May 4 in Kangpokpi district, shows men constantly molesting the helpless women, who cry and plead with their captors.
#ManipurVideo #FilmStars #IndiaReacts #ViralClip #Women #Naked #CM #CapitalPunishment
#manipurvideo #filmstars #indiareacts #viralclip #women #naked #cm #capitalpunishment
2 massacres, 2 different decisions: How does the DOJ decide who should face death?
>CHICAGO (AP) — Two separate shootings 2,000 miles (3,218 kilometers) apart. One killed 11 at a Pittsburgh synagogue. The other killed 23 at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas. Both were motivated by racial hate. Both involved gunmen who later claimed mental illness.
https://www.moosejawtoday.com/politics/2-massacres-2-different-decisions-how-does-the-doj-decide-who-should-face-death-7275842 #US #DOJ #capitalpunishment #deathpenalty #racism
#Racism #deathpenalty #capitalpunishment #doj #US
#Scottish politicians have the courage to #DecriminaliseDrugs, but #Westminster is too timid to let them
Objecting to #CapitalPunishment was once taboo too. Real change comes from politicians brave enough to speak up
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/10/westminster-scotland-proposal-decriminalise-drugs-brave-enough #ScotGov #drugspolicy #Drugs
#drugs #drugspolicy #scotgov #capitalpunishment #westminster #decriminalisedrugs #scottish
#OTD in 1938: A jury finds Charles #Sberna and Salvatore #Gati guilty of the first-degree #murder of #NYPD Officer John Wilson. The jury makes no recommendation for mercy, ensuring the two men will be sentenced to die.
During the trial, Gati admitted his involvement in the robbery that resulted in the killing of Wilson but insisted Sberna was not present.
#otd #sberna #gati #murder #nypd #capitalpunishment #crimehistory #histodons
by #PemaLevy in #MotherJones:
"Owen, 62, endured years of abuse as a child, a brain injury, and mental illness, according to a 1999 court issued sentencing order. He has also been diagnosed with gender dysphoria. Until his parents’ deaths—his mother passed when Owen was 11, his father committed suicide when he was 13—he grew up in a home filled with sexual abuse. Owen then entered an orphanage where where sexual abuse was also rampant and he began using drugs and alcohol. The 1999 sentencing order notes that Owen had suffered 'one of the more horrific childhoods' the court had seen. In 1981, a jacked-up car fell on his head, causing brain damage. In 1984, he assaulted and killed two women. He has repeatedly told psychiatric experts examining his mental state that he thought the assaults would help him into a woman."
#Florida #DeathPenalty #CapitalPunishment #LethalInjection #execution #DeathRow #MentalIllness #schizophrenia #insanity #BrainDamage #SexualAbuse #GenderDysphoria
#pemalevy #motherjones #florida #deathpenalty #capitalpunishment #lethalinjection #execution #deathrow #mentalillness #schizophrenia #insanity #braindamage #sexualabuse #genderdysphoria
#OTD in 1938: Renowned defense attorney Samuel #Leibowitz tried his best to wriggle free of a hopeless capital #murder case.
Read about it:
#otd #leibowitz #murder #capitalpunishment #crimehistory
Partisan bias was found in people's evaluation of the validity of pseudo-arguments for *political* conclusions, but not in their evaluations of the validity of pseudo-arguments for "neutral" conclusions.
Political topics included #gunControl, #capitalPunishment, #immigration, #abortion, #AffordableCareAct, and #marriageEquality.
(Note: participants who rated all arguments as either valid or invalid were excluded).
#guncontrol #capitalpunishment #immigration #abortion #affordablecareact #marriageequality #logic #criticalthinking #politics #mysidebias #xPhi