“ #Trump just said..that the [ #Jan6 rioters ] don’t represent America. We f*ing took the #CapitolBuilding for this motherf*er, and he has the gall to say that we don’t represent #America..& then the motherf*er bends over & lets #Biden stick his f*ing shoes in his a** & kicks him out of the f*ing #WhiteHoise. Whatever happened 2 ‘you refuse 2 concede no matter the results? … We f*ing fought 4 him, we took the f*ing Capitol 4 him, & then he f*ing concedes 2 Biden!”
#trump #jan6 #capitolbuilding #america #biden #whitehoise #j6
NYT Architecture : Congress is Looking for a New Architect of the Capitol, With Little Success https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/07/us/politics/architect-capitol.html #UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #StormingoftheUSCapitol(Jan,2021) #CapitolBuilding(Washington,DC) #AmericanInstituteofArchitects #ArchitectoftheCapitol #Steil,BryanGeorge #Biden,JosephRJr #Blanton,JBrett #Klobuchar,Amy #Architecture
#unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment #stormingoftheuscapitol #capitolbuilding #americaninstituteofarchitects #architectofthecapitol #steil #biden #blanton #klobuchar #architecture
When trans-activists stomp into a #capitolbuilding, aren't they kinda #insurrection too?
#Trans and alphabet #activists are in a mighty cranky mood in #Oklahoma these past few weeks.
#capitolbuilding #insurrection #trans #activists #Oklahoma
There’s swans in them thar lake! (Would for a better camera than my phone, but this was awesome to see.) #olywa #olympia #trumpeterswan #migratorybirds #swans #capitollake #birdstodon #nature #urbanwildlife #naturephotography #capitolbuilding #washingtonstate
#olywa #olympia #trumpeterswan #migratorybirds #swans #capitollake #birdstodon #Nature #urbanwildlife #naturephotography #capitolbuilding #washingtonstate
I momenti fotografici più duraturi di Nancy Pelosi
#18Novembre #Pelosi,Nancy #DemocraticParty #HouseofRepresentatives #vis-photo #CapitolBuilding(Washington,DC) #UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #WomenandGirls #RecordsandAchievements #Impeachment #MidtermElections(2022) #StormingoftheUSCapitol(Jan,2021) #Photography #Trump,DonaldJ https://parliamodi.news/detail/2156.html
#trump #photography #StormingoftheUSCapitol #midtermelections #impeachment #recordsandachievements #womenandgirls #unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment #capitolbuilding #vis #houseofrepresentatives #democraticparty #pelosi #18novembre
À part ça c'était pas une tentative de coup d'état :
RT @jsrailton@twitter.com
NEW FOOTAGE: a long, disciplined line of men in body armor moves as a unit up the #CapitolBuilding steps.
We need to identify this group.
Grateful to @lehudgins@twitter.com for the find.
Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ10So2MqpF/?igshid=uapp1y4ctwak
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jsrailton/status/1348115530654347266
RT @LivePlayEnt1@twitter.com
The Truth about January 6,2021
#ArrestTrumpNow #CapitolBuilding #CapitolPolice #CapitolRiot #CapitolRiots #ArrestThemAllNow #Trump2020 #TrumpInsurrection #NoFlyList #WhitePrivilege #TedCoup #BREAKING
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LivePlayEnt1/status/1348621098393489410
#breaking #TedCoup #whiteprivilege #noflylist #TrumpInsurrection #trump2020 #ArrestThemAllNow #CapitolRiots #CapitolRiot #CapitolPolice #capitolbuilding #ArrestTrumpNow
#Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group: The Trump putsch - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2021/01/11/melbourne-anarchist-communist-group-the-trump-putsch/ #Capitol #CapitolBuilding #antireport
#antireport #capitolbuilding #capitol #melbourne
L'extrême droite réécrit l'histoire:
Aux #USA les supremacistes blancs racontent que ce sont les anarchistes qui ont envahi le Capitole
En #France certains syndicats de police et fachos de base disent que s'auraient pu être des #GiletsJaunes
Remake de l'incendie du Reichstag
RT @PoliceSynergie@twitter.com
Toute ressemblance... #GiletsJaunes #Capitol #CapitolBuilding #Police
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PoliceSynergie/status/1347093678075088896
#usa #france #giletsjaunes #capitol #capitolbuilding #police
RT @YohanS_FI@twitter.com
Toute ressemblance... #Capitol #CapitolBuilding #Police https://twitter.com/PoliceSynergie/status/1347093678075088896
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/YohanS_FI/status/1347553487085858817
#police #capitolbuilding #capitol
RT @2020Justice4All@twitter.com
Dear citizens of the US,
What you saw at the #CapitolBuilding yesterday is what your CIA has been doing to countries overseas for decades.
Do you get it now?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/2020Justice4All/status/1347162766616924160
RT @YourAnonCentral@twitter.com
Arrests in the days after Trump Loyalist attacked the #CapitolBuilding:
-DC: 52
-Nationwide: 0
Arrests for participating in #BlackLivesMatter protests in the days after #GeorgeFloyd's murder:
- DC: over 430
- Nationwide: over 10,000
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/YourAnonCentral/status/1347216183804579840
#blacklivesmatter #capitolbuilding #GeorgeFloyd
Le fascisme aux portes de nos vies. #USA #trump #qanon #racism #Capitol #WashingtonDC #CapitolRiots #CapitolBuilding
#capitolbuilding #CapitolRiots #washingtondc #capitol #racism #qanon #trump #usa
RT @Natascha_Strobl@twitter.com
Wenn ihr glaubt, dass das halt die USA ist, dann ist das naiv. Es gibt genug Leute, die in Europa genau nach dem Trump Playbook spielen und sich als Volksführer gegen das Parlament aufspielen. #capitol #CapitolBuilding
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Natascha_Strobl/status/1346915629920645120
RT @Natascha_Strobl
Wenn ihr glaubt, dass das halt die USA ist, dann ist das naiv. Es gibt genug Leute, die in Europa genau nach dem Trump Playbook spielen und sich als Volksführer gegen das Parlament aufspielen. #capitol #CapitolBuilding
RT @fritzwtf
So... maybe the police like what the MAGA fascists are doing!? I am shocked! Shocked! #WashingtonDC #CapitolBuilding https://twitter.com/williamlegate/status/1346904942666244109
#washingtondc #capitolbuilding
Heilpraktikerin aus der Eifel?
Waren die nicht schon beim #Reichstagssturm in Berlin dabei? ^^ #Trump #CapitolBuilding
#noQuerdenken #capitolbuilding #trump #Reichstagssturm
War die nicht schon am #Reichstagssturm in Berlin dabei. #Trump #CapitolBuilding
#noQuerdenken #capitolbuilding #trump #Reichstagssturm