HALLO - do you love #BloodBrothers? And #CapnJazz? And other #SpockRockEmo?
Then check out this lovely new album from #Portland's #SwissArmyWife :
It's a twiddly-guitar, shouty HOOT!
#posthardcore #swissarmywife #portland #spockrockemo #capnjazz #bloodbrothers
Shout out to Mastodon for allowing longer character limits so I’m allowed to ramble about my most embarrassing memories in a public setting without needing to try to remember what early 2000s Midwest emo song lyric I could have possibly used for my livejournal password.
#livejournal #capnjazz #braid #promisering #joanofarc #empirestategames
@Mastodon@mastodon.social @Mastodon@mstdn.social @mastodonmusic
#livejournal #capnjazz #braid #promisering #JoanofArc #empirestategames