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Das sollte bei #Tomaten eigentlich nicht vorkommen. Hätte ich nie mal noch nie gehört. Tomaten keimen die wie Unkraut...
Als #Chilihead kenne ich das von Chilis, wo es tatsächlich verschiedene #Capsicum Arten gibt #Pubescens, #Chinese, #Baccatum, #Annuum... (sortiert nach persönlicher Vorliebe 😉). Da lässt sich nicht alles kreuzen, und manches keimt nicht.
#annuum #baccatum #chinese #pubescens #capsicum #Chilihead #tomaten
I was trying to get some pix of the lovely flowers on my Black Hungarian peppers and discovered a fully-formed and ripening fruit! I look at these literally every day and never noticed it before. 😂
#Gardening #Capsicum #Peppers
#FreeBSD30 timeline - a few things that happened during these 30 #FreeBSD years:
#UNIX #BSD #MULTICS #1BSD #2BSD #42BSD #43BSD #386BSD #ipfw #FreeBSDCon #BSDCON #ports #jails #FreeBSDFoundation #kqueue #EuroBSDCon #CoreTeam #AsiaBSDCon #BSDCAN #pf #OpenBSD #ZFS #DTrace #VNET #Capsicum #Cheri #Poudriere #clang #llvm #subversion #OpenZFS #git
#freebsd30 #freebsd #unix #bsd #multics #1bsd #2bsd #42bsd #43bsd #386bsd #ipfw #freebsdcon #bsdcon #ports #jails #freebsdfoundation #kqueue #eurobsdcon #coreteam #asiabsdcon #bsdcan #pf #openbsd #zfs #dtrace #vnet #capsicum #cheri #poudriere #clang #llvm #subversion #openzfs #git #freebsdday
@mikonoMai (忙しいと思うのでしばらく放置でおっけーです)
開発中アプリで注目してるのは #feather と、 #capsicum ってやつなんだけど
It always delights me to observe how well Capsicum annuum competes with C. chinense on productivity, despite (typically) having 1 flower per node versus 2-4. These close siblings faced selection pressure for high productivity and arrived at entirely different, but similarly effective, results.
I didn’t have enough Jalapeño Zapotec germinations to rogue this guy out, but I’m glad because it’s been fascinating to watch. I’ve since learned that this “Zapotec twist” is a trait which shows up regularly within the landrace, but usually straightens out shortly after germination.
This one is really taking its time, and I suspect won’t straighten fully — the lower stem is already starting to lignify.
The spice Paprika is made from dried & ground red capsicum.
#spice #paprika #capsicum #foodfacts #delexicon
These two beautiful capsicums are coming along well in the veggie garden.
#gardeningau #growyourown #capsicum
Wie stellen Pflanzen scharfe Substanzen her? (Leipniz, idw)
Neu entdeckt: #Piperinsynthase katalysiert den finalen Schritt der Biosynthese des Piperins. Auch enzymatische Aktivität der #Capsaicinsynthase aus der #Chilischote (#Capsicum spec.) erstmals beschrieben.
#Pfeffer #Chili #Capsaicin #Piperin
Aktueller Ticker von: #dasneueuniversum
(BAND 120 übrigens jetzt im Buchhandel und unter https://dasneueuniversum.com https://nachrichten.idw-online.de/2023/01/27/forschen-wie-der-pfeffer-waechst
#piperinsynthase #capsaicinsynthase #chilischote #capsicum #Pfeffer #chili #capsaicin #piperin #dasneueuniversum
Wie stellen Pflanzen scharfe Substanzen her? (Leipniz, idw)
Neu entdeckt: #Piperinsynthase katalysiert den finalen Schritt der Biosynthese des Piperins. Auch enzymatische Aktivität der #Capsaicinsynthase aus der #Chilischote (#Capsicum spec.) erstmals beschrieben.
#Pfeffer #Chili #Capsaicin #Piperin
Aktueller Ticker von: #dasneueuniversum
(BAND 120 übrigens jetzt im Buchhandel und unter https://dasneueuniversum.com https://nachrichten.idw-online.de/2023/01/27/forschen-wie-der-pfeffer-waechst
#dasneueuniversum #piperin #capsaicin #chili #pfeffer #capsicum #Chilischote #capsaicinsynthase #piperinsynthase
Wie stellen Pflanzen scharfe Substanzen her? (Leipniz, idw)
#Piperinsynthase katalysiert den finalen Schritt der Biosynthese des Piperins. Auch enzymatische Aktivität der #Capsaicinsynthase aus der #Chilischote (#Capsicum spec.) erstmals beschrieben.
#Pfeffer #Chili
Aktueller Ticker von: #dasneueuniversum
(BAND 120 übrigens jetzt im Buchhandel und unter https://dasneueuniversum.comhttps://nachrichten.idw-online.de/2023/01/27/forschen-wie-der-pfeffer-waechst
#piperinsynthase #capsaicinsynthase #chilischote #capsicum #pfeffer #chili #dasneueuniversum
Este es uno de esos especímenes que quiero en mi vida 😄🌶️🥵
#capsicum #piquín
#capsicum #piquin #plantodon #florespondence #gardening
Esta es uno de esos especímenes que quiero en mi vida 😄🌶️🥵
#capsicum #piquín
#capsicum #piquin #plantodon #florespondence #gardening
*Capsaicin Molecule* - Capsaicin molecule, the hotness in chili peppers, the pain in capsicum spray.
An explosion of spicy heat; this was another fun one.
Fluid art. Digital art edited in GIMP. Using public-domain/royalty-free images.
Prints available here: https://kerravonsen.redbubble.com/works/137126715-Capsaicin-Molecule?asc=u
#Capsicum #Capsaicin #Chili #GimpArt #DigitalArt #ChemicalSymbol #AcrylicPourArt #MolecularDiagrams #AcrylicPouring #Geek #Science #Molecules #Nerd #FluidArt #Chemi
#chemi #fluidart #nerd #molecules #Science #geek #acrylicpouring #moleculardiagrams #acrylicpourart #chemicalsymbol #DigitalArt #gimpart #chili #capsaicin #capsicum
Ik heb de Starfish-pepers vooral aangeplant voor de sier, maar de planten bleken een grote productie aan #pepers te geven en ik heb van die #Capsicum baccatum nog maar weer een potje sambal bijgemaakt. Ondanks open deur flink moeten hoesten bij het bakken en gesnotterd, maar dat is nu allemaal geleden.
I just recently set up a veggie patch in our garden, these two were my official first 'harvest'! 👨🌾 Has anyone else tried growing snacksicums? It's a humble beginning, but I find it fascinating how simple acts like gardening and caring for crops change the way I think and feel about the plants that nourish us. I might not be able to grow proper meals out of my tiny veggie patch, but hoping to gradually increase the amount; and share stories and photos along the way!
#humblebeginnings #snacksicum #capsicum #food #SelfSustainability #photography #foodphotography #growingfood #growyourownfood #plantbaseddiet #nikon #gardening
#humblebeginnings #snacksicum #capsicum #food #SelfSustainability #photography #foodphotography #growingfood #growyourownfood #plantbaseddiet #nikon #gardening