Gerade eben hatte ich ein großes Problem auf meinem #ArchLinux-#Thinkpad-Laptop: weil ich dreimal das falsche Passwort eingegeben hab in kurzer Zeit beim Anmelden (weil die Feststelltaste/ #CapsLock aktiviert war), war mein Account gesperrt.
Zum Glück hatte ich aber noch einen #root-Account auf dem Laptop 😅
Ich hab mich also auf dem root-Account ohne sudo (mit einem anderen Passwort) angemeldet, und dann mit
faillock --user das_menschy --reset
... meinen Account wieder entsperrt.
#archlinux #thinkpad #capslock #root
I only just realized that Microsoft #PowerToys exists:
I don't use #Windows day-to-day but if/when I do again, this will be part of my initial install.
It includes useful things like a nice way to remap #capslock to control (without mucking around in the registry).
I regularly see people referring to the #CapsLock key as superfluous. But I regularly type code that sometimes requires ALL CAPS strings, so I still use it.
I'd be annoyed if it was removed from my keyboard.
@nataliedavisgdread Call me paranoid, Natalie, but I think you have your #Mastodon settings set to present all images as #Sensitive, thus obscuring them from view to the rest of us. (Tapping reveals them.)
Like not knowing that #CapsLock is on. Forgive me and ignore this toot if that's not the case. Much love. 🥥
#mastodon #SENSITIVE #capslock
Superkey is a keyboard utility with a twist: it can recognize text across your entire screen (using Apple’s hardware-accelerated OCR APIs) and allow you to move your mouse (and switch windows) by typing the text you see at your desired location:(...)
#ocr #alttab #remap #switcher #cmdtab #search #window #mouse #capslock #macos #keyboard
#ocr #alttab #remap #switcher #cmdtab #search #window #mouse #capslock #macos #keyboard
My book has been translated to Spanish, amazing! Thanks! #libroswalden
Mi libro ha traducido al español, asombroso!
Gracias #libroswalden
Encuentralo aqui
#libroswalden #capslock #disenografico
Frage mich gerade, warum Tastaturen immer noch mit #capslock Taste produziert werden 🤔
Nutzt hier irgendwer die Caps Lock Taste? Und wozu?
#capslock buongiorno, ho bisogno di un tool su Windows che avvisi del maiuscolo attivo, acusticamente e visivamente MENTRE SI SCRIVE, impostando magari tot caratteri iniziali dopo i quali i caratteri tornano in automatico ad essere scritti in minuscolo, oppure con suoni diversi per ogni tasto premuto in minuscolo o maiuscolo, così ci si rende subito conto di come si sta scrivendo il testo.
Solo applicativi portabili senza installazione, grazie.
NB ne ho provati alcuni ma non erano all'altezza
Ich hätte für #CapsLock ja gerne eine volltransparente #Tastenkappe. Aber vorerst habe ich mir geholfen, indem ich einfach ein kleines Loch, direkt über der LED gebohrt habe.
Thinking caps on, please.
Literally write 'thinking' on your #capsLock key. And switch it on now, folks.
The #twitterSphere is not our friend.
Last year they were going off about an organised #protest, and this year its the same thing. Please know your enemy —
#capslock #TwitterSphere #protest #thinkingCapsOnPlease #THEENEMYISCAGEFAM
#capslock #keyboard #capslockday #october #international #day #wednesdaythought #Wednesday #countdown #celebrate
#capslockday #october #day #keyboard #capslock #international #wednesdaythought #wednesday #countdown #celebrate
It's 2021. Why are we still putting a near-useless key to the left of the A in a valuable home row position?