Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: Therese Gleason is author of two chapbooks:
📚 Libation, cowinner, South Carolina Poetry Initiative Chapbook Competition
📚 Matrilineal, honorable mention, 2022 Jean Pedrick Chapbook Prize:
Recent work appears in 32 Poems, Indiana Review, New Ohio Review, Painted Quarterly, Rattle, and elsewhere. Originally from Louisville, KY, Therese lives in Worcester, MA, with her family. She teaches literacy and works as a dyslexia therapist.
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: Evie Groch, EdD, is a field supervisor/mentor for new administrators in graduate schools of education. Her opinion pieces, humor, poems, short stories, recipes, word challenges, and other articles have been published in New York Times, San Fransisco Chronicle, Contra Costa Times, The Journal, Games Magazine, and many online venues. Many of her poems are in published anthologies. Her short stories, poems, and memoir pieces have won her recognition and awards.
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: Baylee Pawsey is a writer from the Midwest who spends her days crafting marketing content for a global tech company. As a freelance writer and editor, she works with local authors, entrepreneurs, and professionals. Outside of work, Baylee enjoys escaping into novels and video games, and she’s always looking for good recommendations of both! Follow her on Twitter at BayleeWrites and check out her work at
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: #AnastasiaArellano is originally from California but now lives in Dublin, Ireland, as a freelance #writer. She is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin and holds a master’s in #creativewriting. She’s had #shortstories published in The Honest Ulsterman, Honey & Lime, The Hellebore, Anti-Heroin Chic, Dragon Soul Press, and DarkWinter Lit Magazine, as well as some #poetry published in Smithereens Press. She recently completed her first solo #YAnovel.
#capsulecollective #anastasiaarellano #writer #creativewriting #shortstories #poetry #yanovel
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: #AbigailFrankfurt is a #writer and #artist from New York. Her #poetry has been published in LIT Magazine, Unbroken literary journal, New York Quarterly, The Yale Review, Dead Skunk, and Three Room Press.
Her #poem “Thief River Falls” is published in #CapsuleStories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation, now available in paperback and ebook. Buy your copy here:
#capsulecollective #abigailfrankfurt #writer #artist #poetry #poem #capsulestories
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: #MichaelColonnese is the #author of a hard-boiled detective novel, Sex and Death, I Suppose, and two #poetry collections, Temporary Agency and Double Feature. He lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains, near Hendersonville, North Carolina.
His #poem “Cold House” is published in #CapsuleStories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation, now available in paperback and ebook. Buy your copy here:
#capsulecollective #michaelcolonnese #author #poetry #poem #capsulestories
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: #FrankWilliamFinney is the #author of The Folding of the Wings:
His #writing has been featured in Livina Press, Pocket Fiction, Quibble.Lit, Taint Taint Taint, and elsewhere. Born and raised in Massachusetts, he taught at Thammasat University in Thailand from 1995 until 2020. His #poem “Hibernaculum” is published in #CapsuleStories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation, available in paperback and ebook:
#capsulecollective #frankwilliamfinney #author #writing #poem #capsulestories
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: #KatelynGrimes (she/her) studied English and #creativewriting, psychology, and history at Carthage College. She now lives in Chicago, where she works for an immigration law firm while continuing to write #fiction and #poetry.
Her #poems “[december],” “[swan song],” and “[rađljóst]” are published in #CapsuleStories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation, now available in paperback and ebook. Buy your copy here:
#capsulecollective #katelyngrimes #creativewriting #fiction #poetry #poems #capsulestories
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: Lotte van der Krol is a #Dutch #writer who writes #stories and poetry that range from fantasy to horror to everyday-but-not-quite-normal #fiction. She likes to walk in the woods and swim in rivers, and then write about those things. Her work has been published by Popshot, Second Chance Lit, Small Leaf Press, and others. You can find her at and on Twitter at lottevdkrol.
#capsulecollective #dutch #writer #stories #fiction
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: #CaitlinGemmell (she/her) is a #poet and #witch living in a woodland in Upstate New York. Her #poetry has been featured in Rue Scribe, One Sentence Poems, and the minison zine and is forthcoming in an anthology by Querencia Press. Her #poem “Cocooning” is published in #CapsuleStories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation, now available in paperback and ebook. Buy your copy here:
#capsulecollective #caitlingemmell #poet #witch #poetry #poem #capsulestories
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: Erika Seshadri lives on an animal rescue ranch in Florida with her family. When not caring for tame critters or feral children, she can be found #writing. Her #poem “Sugar Maple” is published in Capsule Stories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation, now available in paperback and ebook. Buy your copy here: #CapsuleStories #ErikaSeshadri #LitMag #WritersCommunity
#capsulecollective #writing #poem #capsulestories #erikaseshadri #litmag #writerscommunity
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: #LesleySiegerWalls holds a PhD in English from the University of Illinois. A Kansas native, she now lives in #StLouis, #MO, where she teaches college #writing classes and conducts walking tours for the Missouri Historical Society. Her #poetic focus is typically rooted in the landscapes of the Great Plains and #Midwest.
Her #poem “In Winter, the Trees” is published in #CapsuleStories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation, available here:
#capsulecollective #lesleysiegerwalls #stlouis #mo #writing #poetic #midwest #poem #capsulestories
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: #VeronicaNation (she/her) is a Colorado #poet and #artist whose work has been featured in The Allegheny Review, 300 Days of Sun, and other literary journals. In her spare time, Veronica enjoys drinking #icedcoffee, immersing herself in yellow, and taking pictures of things she loves. You can find her at and on Instagram at rainandpoetry. Her #poem “Pausing” is published in #CapsuleStories Winter 2022 Edition:
#capsulecollective #veronicanation #poet #artist #icedcoffee #poem #capsulestories
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: Esther Lim Palmer is the #author of two #chapbooks, Stellar and Janus. Her work has appeared in various #literaryjournals and anthologies, including California Quarterly, Plainsongs, White Wall Review, Poetry in the Time of Coronavirus Vol. 2, The Hungry Chimera, Brief Wilderness, and Oberon.
Her #poem “Hibernation” is published in #CapsuleStories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation, available in paperback and ebook:
#capsulecollective #author #chapbooks #literaryjournals #poem #capsulestories
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: #ValerieHunter teaches high school English and has an #MFA in #writing for children and young adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Her work has appeared in publications including Room, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, The Quiet Reader, and Edison Literary Review.
Her #shortstory “Promise and Potential, 1881” is published in #CapsuleStories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation, now available in paperback and ebook:
#capsulecollective #valeriehunter #mfa #writing #shortstory #capsulestories
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: Ginger Dehlinger has #selfpublished two #novels (Brute Heart, Never Done) and a children’s book (The Goose Girl’s New Ribbon). Her #poetry has appeared in over two dozen journals and anthologies, and her #shortstory “Francine” was first runner-up in the 2022 Saturday Evening Post’s Great American Fiction Contest. Her poem “Winter’s Sweet Solace” is published in #CapsuleStories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation:
#capsulecollective #selfpublished #novels #poetry #shortstory #capsulestories
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: Tammy Pieterson is a 26-year-old #SouthAfrican student, #poet, artist, and photographer. #Creativity is all she’s good at. Enthusiastic, passionate, and opinionated, she uses each day to learn more about herself, and therefore, more about each of her crafts and how to better apply herself. She believes in authenticity and vulnerability when #writing, as it helps to connect with the reader—with the soul.
#capsulecollective #southafrican #poet #creativity #writing
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: Erin Jamieson holds an #MFA in #creativewriting from Miami University of Ohio. Her #writing has been published in over 80 literary magazines, and her fiction has been nominated for a #PushcartPrize. She teaches at Ohio State University.
Her #poem “Forecast on a January Evening” is published in Capsule Stories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation, now available in paperback and ebook. Buy your copy here: #CapsuleStories #ErinJamieson
#capsulecollective #mfa #creativewriting #writing #PushcartPrize #poem #capsulestories #erinjamieson
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: Michelle Yim (she/her) is a young #KoreanAmerican #writer. She plans to study English literature in college and has been published in young adult #literarymagazines. She enjoys art and wants to publish her own #YA novel in the future.
Her #poem “Catnap” is published in Capsule Stories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation, now available in paperback and ebook. Buy your copy here:
#capsulecollective #koreanamerican #writer #literarymagazines #ya #poem
Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: Danielle Weeks earned her #MFA in poetry through Eastern Washington University's #creativewriting program. Her #poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Crab Creek Review, The Gettysburg Review, The Missouri Review, and Salt Hill Journal. Read more about her work:
Her #poems “The Waiting Year,” “Human Composition,” and “Resolution” are published in #CapsuleStories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation:
#capsulecollective #mfa #creativewriting #poetry #poems #capsulestories