#music #rules #punk #captainbeefheart
Why this awful sounding album is a masterpiece - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58nPEe-TU-w
#music #rules #punk #captainbeefheart
Jazztodon artist of the week: trombonist Bruce Fowler! He played on many #frankzappa records, as well as with #captainbeefheart and in the Fowler Brothers Band. He also composes and arranges music for movies. Fowler is the recipient of the 2007 Film & TV Music Awards for Best Score Conductor and Best Orchestrator. Check out his album "Entropy."
#frankzappa #captainbeefheart #jazz #brucefowler #trombone
Jazztodon artist of the week: trombonist Bruce Fowler! He played on many #frankzappa records, as well as with #captainbeefheart and in the Fowler Brothers Band. He also composes and arranges music for movies. Fowler is the recipient of the 2007 Film & TV Music Awards for Best Score Conductor and Best Orchestrator. Check out his album "Entropy."
#frankzappa #captainbeefheart #jazz #brucefowler #trombone
Captain Beefheart’s “Trout Mask Replica” was released on this date in 1969.
#captainbeefheart #donvanvliet #troutmaskreplica #baseballcards #cardart
#captainbeefheart #donvanvliet #troutmaskreplica #baseballcards #cardart
Closing Time | Obeah Man https://sargasso.nl/closing-time-obeah-man/ #CaptainBeefheart #Algemeen
Check out Tropical Hot Dog by Captain Beefheart And The Magic Band on Amazon Music
"Tropical Hot Dog Night, like two flamingos in a fruit fight
Like steppin’ out of a triangle into striped light
Striped light, striped light
Tropical Hot Dog Night
Everything’s wrong, at the same time it’s right
The truth has no patterns for me tonight"
#captainbeefheart #psychedelic
"In the sad town
Cold iron hands clap
The party of clowns outside
Rain falls in grey far away
Please, please, baby lemonade."
- Syd Barrett
#killerklownsfromouterspace #captainbeefheart
That Indiana Jones toot infiltrated my dream last night.
My dream began with me flying a plane for Germany during the First World War, and ended with me walking around Whole Foods naked, and running into an old friend in the restroom who told me i had a cute ass.
I'm sure there is a Frank Zappa & Captain Beefheart song that explains all this, in a way that won't adversely impact any possible future presidential run.
#dreams #captainbeefheart #frankzappa
Although lyrics are a bit tarantinoesk I like this particular guitar solo very much.
#FrankZappa #CaptainBeefheart #BongoFury #CarolinaHardcoreEcstasy
#carolinahardcoreecstasy #bongofury #captainbeefheart #frankzappa #nowspinning
#NowListening #CaptainBeefheart #FrankZappa Debra Kadabra (Live)
Ancesty.com update: I just found out I'm related to #FrankZappa on my mother's side.
I rule, and everyone else drools!
"From the puffed and flabulent Mexican rubber-goods mask
Next time they show the Binaca
Make me buy The Flosser
Make me grow Braniac Fingers
But with more hair!
Make me kiss your turquoise jewelry!
Emboss me!
Rub the hot front part of my head
With rigid unguents!
Give me bas-relief!"
#nowlistening #captainbeefheart #frankzappa
@DervPerv I ordered Metal Box a few months ago simply because it was mentioned in an article praising it alongside the likes of #KateBush’s The Dreaming, #NinaHagen’s Nunsexmonkrock, #CaptainBeefheart’s Trout Fish Replica, and #BrianEno and DavidByrne’s My Life in the Bush of Ghosts. I was not disappointed.
#katebush #ninahagen #captainbeefheart #brianeno
Today’s listening is ‘Bluejeans & Moonbeams’, the 1974 album by Captain Beefheart and The Magic Band.
Despite this album being held in low regard by Beefheart afficionados, I like it.
Plus, it’s an accessible way into old Don’s output, lest you think that all things Beefheart entail men with fish on their heads making horrible music!
My favourite track is the opener ‘Party Of Special Things To Do’-who wouldn’t like to go to such a party?!
#nowlistening #nowplaying #vinyl #captainbeefheart
So, a break from #SixNations and some #music - perhaps a wee #whisky?
If I could only ever listen to one album, it would be this.
The quintessential Magic Band line-up: Don van Vliet, Bill Harkleroad, Mark Boston and Art Tripp. Produced by the legendary Ted Templeman.
Intricate rhythms, irregular tempos, counterpoint guitar parts, clashing harmonies and dissonance, thumping bass, Zoot Horn Rollo’s reverberating bottleneck guitar, the Captain's abstract lyrics, horns, marimba, blues harmonica - just brilliant.
#NowPlaying #CaptainBeefheart #ClearSpot #MagicBand
#sixnations #music #whisky #nowplaying #captainbeefheart #clearspot #magicband
Wat zeg je?
Ik versta je niet.
Het is voor veel mannen een beproefde tactiek als een vrouw een moeilijke vraag stelt. Gewoon doen alsof je haar niet verstaat. Dan hoef je niet meteen te antwoorden. Watte? Hè? Of in het Portugees: Hein?
Voor weblog #OndergewaardeerdeLiedjes schreef ik een stukje over Hein? van #TomZé (de Braziliaanse #CaptainBeefheart annex #FrankZappa, de ontdekking van #DavidByrne).
#davidbyrne #frankzappa #captainbeefheart #tomze #ondergewaardeerdeliedjes
RT @toooldforit
"Tropical Hot Dog Night.
Like two flamingos in a fruit fight."
So in my fever dreams today, I came up with the #songwriting idea: "leaf blower" in the style of #captainbeefheart "Bat Chain Puller" (... puller, puller; that echo was in my head too), about a boy becoming some kind of anime hero and saving the girl with his Leaf Blower (... blower, blower).
It didn't work out, but another song about an #uncannyvalley rose from the musings.
The Leaf Blower (... blower, blower) will rise again, just not today.
Also drafted improvements to living machine
#songwriting #captainbeefheart #uncannyvalley
Everybody sleeps on #CaptainBeefheart 's Safe as Milk, I assume because most of the songs are only in one key at at time. Zig Zag Wanderer should be on every party mix.
Don Van Vliet, aka Captain Beefheart, was born on this date in 1941.
#captainbeefheart #donvanvliet #troutmaskreplica #baseballcards #cardart
#captainbeefheart #donvanvliet #troutmaskreplica #baseballcards #cardart