Let's do a short thread about doing #cosplay with a person with #DownSyndrome
I had been working on a #CaptainCarter suit for my daughter. The whole suit is designed for #accessibility
Let's go into the details.
#cosplay #downsyndrome #captaincarter #accessibility
Finished painting the #CaptainCarter shield for my daughter. Everything in the center except the red cross is hand painted. This was built to meet an #accessibility goal. My daughter has #DownSyndrome so it has to be small and light. It comes in at about 304g/12oz. #cosplay
#captaincarter #accessibility #downsyndrome #cosplay
Progress on the #CaptainCarter shield #Cosplay #WorkInProgress
#captaincarter #cosplay #workinprogress
Fingerless gloves for #CaptainCarter #cosplay finished. Thanks to my dog for chewing on one of the pieces.
Happy with how the pouches look. Just need to attach them to the belt. #CaptainCarter #cosplay #WorkInProgress
#captaincarter #cosplay #workinprogress
Finished clasps for belt pouches for the #CaptainCarter #cosplay I tried to make them look like they were brass plated and worn down to the base metal.
7th and 8th sets of bookmarks fully colored in. Replay of coloring Omni Man is on YouTube: https://youtu.be/qbQJkQRsw_U
#Wasp #CaptainCarter #Vision #MistyKnight #OmniMan #MonkeyDLuffy #Gimli #Eiko #Nancy #SpyXFamily (Anya & Bond)
#wasp #captaincarter #vision #mistyknight #omniman #monkeydluffy #gimli #eiko #nancy #spyxfamily #bookmarks #comicjamhawaii #freecomicbookday #MastoArt
How it started/how it's going. #CaptainCarter #cosplay #WorkInProgresd
#captaincarter #cosplay #workinprogresd
Hot from #3DPrinting a belt buckle cover for a #CaptainCarter #cosplay For a previous cosplay, I epoxied a buckle inside a shell, but it turned out to be a hassle to get the belt on and off. This time I made it a slide-on shell with better tolerances.
#3dprinting #captaincarter #cosplay
#CaptainCarter fingerless gloves are mostly done. Just need to do a bunch of detail work to neaten them up. This would have a whole lot easier if my daughter didn't have such small hands. #cosplay #sewing
#captaincarter #cosplay #sewing
Fingerless gloves for #CaptainCarter #cosplay #WorkInProgress
#captaincarter #cosplay #workinprogress
Progress on a shield for #CaptainCarter that my daughter can carry for a day. #cosplay
First test fit of #CaptainCarter suit #cosplay #DownSyndrome
#captaincarter #cosplay #downsyndrome
Captain Carter suit coming along. #CaptainCarter #cosplay #WorkInProgress
#captaincarter #cosplay #workinprogress
Making a #CaptainCarter shield for my daughter for #cosplay. Challenge: it has to be light enough and small enough to be manageable by a person with #DownSyndrome. Today I made all the pieces for a tessellated spherical section out of craft foam.
#captaincarter #cosplay #downsyndrome
Progress on the #CaptainCarter suit #cosplay #WorkInProgress
#captaincarter #cosplay #workinprogress