Cochrane trivia:
'I never knew anyone so careful of the lives of his ship's company as Lord Cochrane, or anyone who calculated so closely the risks attending any expedition. Many of the brilliant achievements were performed without the loss of a single life, so well did he calculate the chances'.
This is what captain Marryat, who sailed with him as a midshipman, wrote about Cochrane.
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I am new here and hoping to introduce myself to fellow #histodons. I am passionate about #CaptainMarryat #NavalHistory #MartimeHistory and also men's #DressHistory! A long time #FranklinExpedition and #polar enthusiast, also interested in #MilitaryHistory including the #Warof1812 and the #NapoleonicWars. Another American deeply fascinated by the #RoyalNavy and related topics of #imperialism and the #AtlanticWorld.
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Anyone out there @bookstodon crazy about #NavalFiction, particularly #PatrickOBrian and #CaptainMarryat ?
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