I have the complete animated B5 series already:
From the fires of the Metal Wars!
CAPTAIN POWER AND THE SOLDIERS OF THE FUTURE (Landmark Entertainment Group, 1987)
#captainpower #tvseries #culttv #cultTelevision #TV #TVSeries #animation #cartoon #80s #1980s #1980sTV #80sTV
#captainpower #tvseries #culttv #culttelevision #tv #animation #cartoon #80s #1980s #1980stv #80stv
Time for an intro now that I’ve migrated to wandering.shop. I’ve been a series developer, story editor, and writer for live-action and animated TV shows. Some things I’m known for: #JemAndTheHolograms #GIJoe #BeastWars #BuckyO’Hare #ConanTheAdventurer #Reboot #Babylon5 #TwilightZone #CaptainPower #TMNT
I’ve written comics & graphic novels: #Conan #RedSonja #SisterhoodOfSteel #Elfquest
#Amethyst #BirdsOfPrey
More next post....
#jemandtheholograms #gijoe #beastwars #buckyo #conantheadventurer #reboot #babylon5 #twilightzone #captainpower #tmnt #conan #redsonja #sisterhoodofsteel #elfquest #amethyst #birdsofprey