#CaptainsLog: On Android, the Recorder app is awesome: record voice clip, immediately get on-device transcription, for free.
On iOS, we just don’t have that. Gotta turn to apps. Monthly fees, sends my knowledge for cloud processing and data mining, no easy import/export.
There’s gotta be an easy, low cost, on-device way to record (and keep) voice recordings on iOS, transcribe the text, and save both to #Obsidian for my journaling. Any #StarTrek #ObsidianMD #BuJo #NoteNerds figure this out?
#notenerds #bujo #obsidianmd #startrek #Obsidian #captainsLog
Here's the final uncut final Captain's log from Star Trek Generations.
"Captain's log, stardate 48650.1. Three Starfleet vessels have arrived in orbit and have begun to beam up the Enterprise survivors. Our casualties are light but unfortunately the Enterprise herself cannot be salvaged.....hold on, Lieutenant Commander La Forge has just handed me a PADD, On it it says "Hold my beer and give me thirty years", Whatever that means."
Can I, please, already make up my mind and pick one project to pursue (at the time)?
Pretty please?
Very well then, just bought "hand on #rust" book. Gotta admit, Pragmatic Programmers publisher is really cool - they let me download said book _without_ any DRM, in 3 different formats - epub, mobi and pdf!
(oh, here on #merveilles with love to Boaty McBoatyFaces captain's log has two meaning - geeky-trekie one and for normal people who sails)
#merveilles #captainsLog #rust
#CaptainsLog {current star date}
I've just ordered both #uxn and #100r stickers. Now I patiently wait..
.:: Captain's log ::.
Well...for once that's useful... ;)
Have a nice week Mastodon !
- #mastoart #art #illustration #captainsLog -
:: Better res on website ::
#mastoart #art #illustration #captainsLog