I think Klaus Dinger's version "Neu! 4" as released by Captain Trip Records in 1995 is much much better than Michael Rother's version "Neu! '86" that is to be found in the 50! cd box. Really funny to hear two completely different albums from the same source. All in all a perfect example of the 2 conflicting characters in the brilliant duo called Neu!
#Neu! #4 #CaptainTripRecords #KlausDinger
#klausdinger #captaintriprecords #neu
I think Klaus Dinger's version "Neu! 4" as released by Captain Trip Records in 1995 is much much better than Michael Rother's version "Neu! '86" that is to be found in the 50! cd box. All in all a perfect example of the 2 conflicting characters in the brilliant duo called Neu!
#Neu! #4 #CaptainTripRecords #KlausDinger
#klausdinger #captaintriprecords #neu