.@Wikipedia reminds us that today is the birthday of #AlanDershowitz , the one-time #Harvard Superlawyer for the super-guilty, such as OJ ‘the Juice’ Simpson and #DonaldTheDeplorable Trump. 🎂
‘Dersch’ is also known as #CaptainUnderpants 🩲 on the #birdsite.
#alandershowitz #harvard #donaldthedeplorable #captainunderpants #birdsite
Some schools still use ruler disciplinary measures it seems. More Harold and George things.
How did he get drunk??? Idk
Harold goes through at least 30 corny jokes while having sex
#captainunderpants #georgeandharold #briefs #shota
#captainunderpants #georgeandharold #briefs #shota
George and Harold would definetly be the type to constantly crack dumb jokes--even during sex.
#captainunderpants #shota #shotacon #briefs #georgeandharold #georgebeard #haroldhutchins
#captainunderpants #shota #shotacon #briefs #georgeandharold #georgebeard #haroldhutchins
Where is the porn of George and Harold from #CaptainUnderpants . We all know they fucked around one time or another--where is it.