Now that the air is clear 😏🙌🏻
As I am writing stories/books I do enjoy making captions bc it's ALOT quicker for me to make a story
#taboo #taboos #girlfriendsmom #milfsex #cheatingkink #cheatingboyfriend #sexualtension #caption #captions #caption4u
#taboo #taboos #girlfriendsmom #milfsex #cheatingkink #cheatingboyfriend #sexualtension #caption #captions #caption4u
@DomusVocis #caption4u Drawings of idealized 1950s American family life, captioned "Once upon a time, a family could own a home, a car, and send their kids to college, all on one income."
@gftomatoes #caption4u a very pale purple flower with three petals and a yellow center
@ryancordell Image description: a metal looking branding sign with four segments arranged in a diamond way. Top shows a stylized globe, left a mirrored letter E, right a stylized book and bottom an oil lamp or fire bowl. #caption4u