Smitha 🌸🌋🎻 (she/her) · @smitha
247 followers · 1181 posts · Server

You know how you sometimes come across something, an article or social media post or video, that makes you wonder if there’s a carbon monoxide leak in your house…?

#youaretraffic #urbanplanning #carCentric

Last updated 1 year ago

Sara FL Kirk · @sflkirk
219 followers · 1115 posts · Server

cities are taking away our children's rights to play and roam independently. It was refreshing to see young Audrey drawing attention to the inequity of unsafe infrastructure for .

#carCentric #cycling #bikefriendlycanada #bikestories #CarBrain

Last updated 2 years ago

Ronan · @ronanmcd
277 followers · 1440 posts · Server

New Dublin City Council buildings just past Ballymun near the on- off-ramps for M50. The entire section highlighted is just a car park. In case you had any illusions as to where their sympathies lie.
Bonus points: this would have been linked with Metro North

#carCentric #cityplanners #urbanism #design #sustainability #dublin #ireland

Last updated 2 years ago

· @morten7an
102 followers · 276 posts · Server

Nice, @peterdutoit

I see this is based on the literature in scientific journals, but seeing that "switching to BEV" has been judged so favourable compared to going or using by so many studies, I cannot help but think that many studies have been asking the wriong questions or using wrong /unrepresentative "boundary conditons" / assumptions. Perhaps in part due to where financing came from or because we live in a culture?


#carfree #publictransit #carCentric

Last updated 2 years ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
123 followers · 1307 posts · Server

@Wonderdog @shermozle

Toowoomba is the same. Cars rule.
They replaced a zebra crossing with this:

#Toowoomba #badurbanplanning #carCentric

Last updated 2 years ago

@urbanistorg is frustratingly , but I agree, this is nice. Despite the car focus, I miss living in DTB, which is relatively walkable among .

#carCentric #bellevue #seattle #suburbs

Last updated 2 years ago

Sara FL Kirk · @sflkirk
157 followers · 590 posts · Server

@majdal Yes, declared a climate emergency in 2019 but continues to invest in infrastructure. released a climate action plan and promptly announced an increase in the burning of 🙄

#HalifaxNS #carCentric #novascotia #biomass #ClimateCrisis #cognitivedissonance

Last updated 2 years ago

GuitarGabe · @guitargabe
41 followers · 68 posts · Server

My sister keeps listening to pop country trash, and every song has diagetically taken place in a truck. It’s actually kinda sad - they spend so much of their time in cars that the only relatable space they can set their songs is the inside of one. Country *pretends* it’s all rugged and outdoorsy, but like they’re just taking their trucks between places to drink and places to park. In cities you spend your time actually outside walking between places. Pop country is an entirely genre.


Last updated 2 years ago

Ika Makimaki 🌻🚲 · @pezmico
754 followers · 552 posts · Server

In our unquestioning worship of the , we have built cities that are hostile to people!
Cities OF people that are hostile TO people! How ridiculous is that?
This image is a classic and it illustrates how most of our spaces feel for humans on their feet, for kids wanting to play, for our disabled whānau trying to live a normal life.
We can do better! We have done better for our whole history. It's really the last century or so where we allowed cars to take over everything.

#automobile #carCentric

Last updated 2 years ago

There's no other way to square it.

The car-centric and Keynesian of the last century did generational mental, spiritual and psychic damage to the west. Europe in some respects evaded the trap, by the sheer scale and quality of their built and other factors, but succumbed to Keynesian shortTermism.

Many individuals who adjusted to the never classified as , yet the who know and feel the damage are compelled to.

#townPlanning #economics #carCentric #heritage #maladjustedModel #mentallyill #left

Last updated 2 years ago

Yes, its supposed to scale but it likely gets in the way of the spawling-suburb model, that defines western civilisation and BigOil.

War on Europeans is preferable to changing how we do things.


Last updated 3 years ago