Yeah. I know. I'm always talking about Carabus nemoralis Müller (Coleoptera #Carabidae) these days. Even to me it sounds unusual. I never saw that species so often. Ordinarily it uses my #forest as a winter refuge and forages there only at both ends of vegetation season. But this foraging pattern changed this year. It has been recorded continuously past the end of winter until now. And this is bad. Here is why:
Ouf! J'arrive graduellement à bout du comptage et des mesures morphométriques des #Carabidae (Coléoptères) de Juin. Je les passe toujours en premier. Moins de tératologie que ce que je craignais après 2002. Mais quand même quelques spécimens spectaculaires. Surtout: des changements faunistiques se confirment dans ma #foret
Note technique: je parle souvent des Carabidae, parce qu'ils sont l'un des 5 groupes d'insectes bioindicateurs nationaux suivis par le réseau des réserves.
Small ground beetle from the backyard. #Entomology #Photography #InsectPhotography #Coleoptera #Beetle #Carabidae
#entomology #photography #insectphotography #coleoptera #beetle #carabidae
Der Körnige #Laufkäfer (#Carabus granulatus) ist sehr farbvariabel und lebt in feuchterem Umfeld. Er ist einer der wenigen großen flugfähigen Laufkäfer.
#artenvielfalt #beetles #beetle #Coleoptera #Käfer #Carabidae #nature #natur
#laufkafer #Carabus #Artenvielfalt #beetles #beetle #coleoptera #kafer #carabidae #nature #natur
What a nice creature! What a surprise!
#Calosoma sycophanta (I guess) in a #Cork oak tree (#Quercus suber), near Breda (Girona, NE Spain)
#Coleoptera #Carabidae @nature @biodiversity @conservation #entomology
#entomology #carabidae #coleoptera #Quercus #cork #calosoma
Leatherback Ground Beetle, Carabus coriaceus Canon 400D EF 100 2.8 f/4.6 1/320 iso: 200 Srbsko, CZE May 1, 2012 #Carabidae #groundBeetles #Beetles #Coleoptera #insects #invertebrates #macro
#carabidae #groundbeetles #beetles #coleoptera #insects #invertebrates #macro
Schwarze #Laufkäfer zu bestimmen ist nicht leicht, da es sehr viele ähnliche Arten gibt. Bloß gut, dass man sich bei absichern kann. Zweifleckiger Schmuckläufer - Anisodactylus binotatus
#artenvielfalt #beetles #beetle #Coleoptera #Käfer #nature #Carabidae
#laufkafer #Artenvielfalt #beetles #beetle #coleoptera #kafer #nature #carabidae
Ground Beetle, Amara aulica Canon 400D EF 100 2.8 f/5.6 1/500 iso: 400 Srbsko, CZE June 16, 2013 #Carabidae #Harpalinae #Coleoptera #beetles, insects $invertebrates #groundbeetles #macro
#carabidae #harpalinae #coleoptera #beetles #groundbeetles #macro
RT @Natur_in_NRW
Die "Sandlaufkäferjagd" macht in jedem Jahr wieder aufs Neue Spass 📸Besonders reizvoll dabei ist, dass ich bis auf 10 cm an die Burschen ranmuss.
Feld-Sandlaufkäfer (#Cicindela campestris)
#artenvielfalt #beetles #beetle #Coleoptera #Käfer #nature #natur #Tigerbeetles #carabidae
#cicindela #artenvielfalt #beetles #beetle #coleoptera #kafer #nature #natur #tigerbeetles #carabidae
Die "Sandlaufkäferjagd" macht in jedem Jahr wieder aufs Neue Spass 📸Besonders reizvoll dabei ist, dass ich bis auf 10 cm an die Burschen ranmuss.
Feld-Sandlaufkäfer (#Cicindela campestris)
#artenvielfalt #beetles #beetle #Coleoptera #Käfer #nature #natur #Tigerbeetles #carabidae
#cicindela #Artenvielfalt #beetles #beetle #coleoptera #kafer #nature #natur #tigerbeetles #carabidae
Scaphinotus "viridis" from Cranberry Glades Botanical Area, West Virginia. In quotes because person working on the species description, Thomas Barr, died in 2011. So still known as a morph of Scaphinotus viduus, I guess. It eats snails. Collected by my dad and sister. #beetles #insects #Carabidae #entomology #taxonomy
#beetles #insects #carabidae #entomology #taxonomy
Canon 400D EF 100 2.8 f/2.8 1/125 iso: 800 Srbsko, May 22, 2010 #Carabidae #AmazingBeetles #Beetles #Coleoptera #macro #insects
#carabidae #amazingbeetles #beetles #coleoptera #macro #insects
Leaving the mountains, my journey to the #GSB2023 begins!
🚡 + 🚅 + ✈️
Connect with us 👇
- talk by (MON, #eDNA and #SoilFauna)
- P32 by (TUE, #Carabidae #traits)
- P34 by myself (TUE, #AlpSoil_Lab)
- P35 by (MON, #MountainsSoilBiodiversity)
- P96 by (TUE, #BiodiversityMonitoring)
#biodiversitymonitoring #mountainssoilbiodiversity #alpsoil_lab #traits #carabidae #SoilFauna #edna #gsb2023
Sometimes you go looking for insects and sometimes they find you. At lunchtime today I lifted up a few rocks in the local wood and found a couple of beetles. I was having trouble IDing them so I started watching a YouTube video by Chris Foster from the UK Ground Beetle recording scheme. He mentioned light traps as one way of attracting ground beetles, which made me think today's mild weather would be a good day to put my moth trap out 1/n
#beetles #coleoptera #groundbeetle #carabidae
Two #beetles and a #sawfly from the #Malaise trap, Aranda, ACT, #Australia in the final six weeks.
A tiny (c. 1.75 mm long) #weevil (#Curculionidae), 7-14 October 2022,
A #GroundBeetle (#Carabidae), 21-28 October 2022,
A #sawfly (? #Pergidae), 21-28 October 2022,
#Coleoptera # Hymenoptera #entomology
#entomology #coleoptera #pergidae #carabidae #groundbeetle #Curculionidae #weevil #australia #malaise #sawfly #beetles
Wenn man die Namen der Dinge nicht kennt, geht das #Wissen über sie verloren.
Der Bericht über das 1. #Laufkäfer-Seminar der #UmweltakademieBW am #Federsee ist online:
#wissen #laufkafer #umweltakademiebw #federsee #artenwissen #biodiversitat #carabidae
Wenn man die Namen der Dinge nicht kennt, geht das #Wissen über sie verloren.
Der Bericht über das 1. #Laufkäfer-Seminar der #UmweltakademieBW am #Federsee ist online:…
#Artenwissen, #Biodiversität, #Carabidae
#wissen #laufkafer #umweltakademiebw #federsee #artenwissen #biodiversitat #carabidae
Angesichts der frostigen Temperaturen kommt aktuell nix Neues dazu. Zur Vorfreude aufs nächste Jahr gibt es deshalb einen Feld-Sandlaufkäfer (Cicindela campestris) aus dem Archiv😲
#natur #artenvielfalt #nature #insekten #beetles #beetle #insects #Carabidae #Käfer #Sandlaufkäfer
#natur #Artenvielfalt #nature #insekten #beetles #beetle #insects #carabidae #kafer #sandlaufkafer
This big-eyed beetle is a Springtail-stalker (Notiophilus sp. [Notiophilus biguttatus if got the ID features correct with distances between lines on elytra and number ridges head]), a small #Carabidae ground beetle. I have found this genus a few times, but first time getting a photo. Found this one in the leaf litter of a mixed woodland.
Almost feel bad for the humble springtail with a predator like this.
#carabidae #biodiversity #ecology #macrophotography #Olympus