#benchy #3dprinting #3dprinter #corexy #klipper #caracal
Finally bringing direct drive to #caracal
Files available on Printables:
#caracal #3dprinting #3dprinter
Écrasement mortel d’un EC725 Caracal au Brésil. à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/08/actu/ecrasement-mortel-dun-ec725-caracal-au-bresil — #accident #caracal #cordage #crash #ec725 #écrasement #eurocopter #formosa #helibras #hélicoptère #marinhadobrasil
#accident #caracal #cordage #crash #ec725 #ecrasement #eurocopter #formosa #helibras #helicoptere #marinhadobrasil
SecurityOnline: caracal: Static Analyzer for Starknet smart contracts https://securityonline.info/caracal-static-analyzer-for-starknet-smart-contracts/ #Starknetsmartcontracts #VulnerabilityAnalysis #Caracal
#starknetsmartcontracts #vulnerabilityanalysis #caracal
Les hélicos de l’Armée de l’Air et de l’Espace au cœur de la sécurité de la Coupe du Monde. à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/08/actu/les-helicos-de-larmee-de-lair-et-de-lespace-au-coeur-de-la-securite-de-la-coupe-du-monde — #caracal #hélicoptère #fennec #masa #arméedelairetdelespace #sécurisation #coupedumondederugby2023
#caracal #helicoptere #fennec #masa #armeedelairetdelespace #securisation #coupedumondederugby2023
This is it, the very first benchy printed on a Caracal, it looks bad because I went straight for a sub 20min speedbenchy at 15000 mm/s² (3x the speed of my Klipper Ender 3!)
@3dprinting #3dprinter #3dprinting #caracal #corexy #speedbenchy
#3dprinter #3dprinting #caracal #corexy #speedbenchy
#Caracal is almost done! it prints... Well air prints... Still a few bits and bobs to wrap up before sending it off to #printables can't wait
#caracal #printables #3dprinting #3dprinter #corexy #klipper #cad
I originally thought of building a Voron 0.2, I still think it's an amazing design but Rolohaun, author of the Rook 3D printer inspired me to pick up CAD give a go at my own design and thus #Caracal was born. I'm surprised I was able to go this far!
Time to work on the toolhead
#3dprinting #3dprinter #corexy #engineering #caracal #klipper #cad
#3dprinting #3dprinter #corexy #engineering #caracal #klipper #cad
Getting closer to completion, 1 more part to go, can't wait to see it print!
#3dprinter #3dprinting #corexy #klipper #engineering #prototyping #caracal
#3dprinter #3dprinting #corexy #klipper #engineering #prototyping #caracal
L’autre pays des Super Puma, Cougar, et Caracal. à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/07/actu/lautre-pays-des-super-puma-cougar-et-caracal — #as532 #caracal #forçaaéreabrasileira #ec225 #helibras #marinhadobrasil #airbushelicopters #ec725 #h225m #exércitobrasileiro #aérospatiale #eurocopter #brésil #cougar #as332 #superpuma
#as532 #caracal #forcaaereabrasileira #ec225 #helibras #marinhadobrasil #airbushelicopters #ec725 #h225m #exercitobrasileiro #aerospatiale #eurocopter #bresil #cougar #as332 #superpuma
Hurray the first power on didn't blew up!!
#3dprinting #corexy #klipper #engineering #prototyping #caracal #3dprinter #raspberrypi #diy #project
#3dprinting #corexy #klipper #engineering #prototyping #caracal #3dprinter #raspberrypi #diy #project
Piecing the #electronics together for #caracal this a #raspberrypi that I had from before the shortage, luckily for you all they are starting to become more available again!
#electronics #caracal #raspberrypi #3dprinter #3dprinting #corexy
Bed stiffness sanity check: Incredibly stiff even at worst case scenario with only 1 wall, no infill and 0.4mm line width
#3dprinting #3dprinter #corexy #engineering #caracal #SpeedBoatRace
#3dprinting #3dprinter #corexy #engineering #caracal #speedboatrace
Coming together real nice
#3dprinting #3dprinter #corexy #engineering #caracal #SpeedBoatRace
#3dprinting #3dprinter #corexy #engineering #caracal #speedboatrace
Finished motor assemblies
#3dprinting #3dprinter #corexy #engineering #caracal
RT @mil_in_ua@twitter.com
🇩🇪 🇳🇱 Німеччина та Нідерланди спільно закуповують повітряно-десантні позашляховики Caracal від німецького концерну Rheinmetall.
Замовлення розраховане на придбання Збройними силами Нідерландів 504 машин.
#Німеччина #Нідерланди #Caracal
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mil_in_ua/status/1669662069942042624
#німеччина #нідерланди #caracal
#Rheinmetall from #Germany introduces the #Caracal 4x4 #airborne and #Special #Forces vehicle https://www.armyrecognition.com/weapons_defence_industry_military_technology_uk/rheinmetall_from_germany_introduces_the_caracal_4x4_airborne_and_special_forces_vehicle.html
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/ArmyRecognition/status/1643565888199639040
#rheinmetall #germany #caracal #airborne #special #forces