The Alemanni (also known as the Alamanni and the Alamans, meaning "All Men" or "Men United") were a confederacy of Germanic-speaking people who occupied the regions south of the Main and east of the Rhine rivers in present-day Germany. #History #Alemanni #Caracalla #Gallienus
#gallienus #caracalla #alemanni #History
Macrinus was Roman emperor from April 217 to June 218 CE. #History #Caracalla #Macrinus #RomanEmperor
#romanemperor #macrinus #caracalla #History
The Alemanni (also known as the Alamanni and the Alamans, meaning "All Men" or "Men United") were a confederacy of Germanic-speaking people who occupied the regions south of the Main and east of the Rhine rivers in present-day Germany. #History #Alemanni #Caracalla #Gallienus
#gallienus #caracalla #alemanni #History
Julia Domna (160-217 CE) was a Syrian-born Roman empress during the reign of her husband, Roman emperor Septimius Severus (r. #History #Caracalla #JuliaDomna #SeptimiusSeverus
#septimiusseverus #juliadomna #caracalla #History
The Alemanni (also known as the Alamanni and the Alamans, meaning "All Men" or "Men United") were a confederacy of Germanic-speaking people who occupied the regions south of the Main and east of the Rhine rivers in present-day Germany. #History #Alemanni #Caracalla #Gallienus
#gallienus #caracalla #alemanni #History
4 avril 188 : naissance de Lucius Septimius Bassianus, plus connu sous le nom de Caracalla, à Lugdunum (Lyon). Buste de #Caracalla présenté lors de l’exposition #RomaUniversalis consacrée aux Sévères.
The Arch of Septimius Severus, erected in 203 CE, stands in Rome and commemorates the Roman victories over the Parthians in the final decade of the 2nd century CE. #History #Architecture #Caracalla #RomanArchitecture
#romanarchitecture #caracalla #architecture #History
Macrinus was Roman emperor from April 217 to June 218 CE. #History #Caracalla #Macrinus #RomanEmperor
#romanemperor #macrinus #caracalla #History
@aristofontes Oooh, I hope this is about the Severans, especially Caracalla. I shall watch carefully to see if the film steals anything from my dissertation, then I'll sue for a screenplay credit and a cut of the revenue.
@aristofontes Oooh, I hope this is about the Severans, especially Caracalla. I shall watch carefully to see if the film steals anything from my dissertation, then I'll sue for a screenplay credit and a cut of the revenue.
The Arch of Septimius Severus, erected in 203 CE, stands in Rome and commemorates the Roman victories over the Parthians in the final decade of the 2nd century CE. The triple triumphal arch was one of the most richly decorated of its type and even today, although badly damaged, it stands in the Forum Romanum as a lasting and imposing monument to Roman vanity. #Architecture #Caracalla #RomanArchitecture #History
#History #romanarchitecture #caracalla #architecture
Franceschini e Conte al concerto di Baglioni alle Terme di Caracalla - Politica - ANSA #franceschini #conte #concerto #baglioni #terme #caracalla #politica #15giugno
#15giugno #politica #caracalla #terme #baglioni #concerto #conte #Franceschini
Claudio Baglioni: spettacolo kolossal alle Terme di Caracalla – Giornale Corriere della Sera – Italia24 #claudio #baglioni #spettacolo #kolossal #terme #caracalla #giornale #corriere #sera #italia24 #4giugno
#4giugno #italia24 #sera #Corriere #giornale #caracalla #terme #kolossal #spettacolo #baglioni #claudio
Baglioni a Caracalla: `Dodici Note - Tutti su!` davanti alla vita e alla guerra #baglioni #caracalla #dodici #note #guerra #4giugno
#4giugno #guerra #note #dodici #caracalla #baglioni
Jurassic World - Il Dominio, i dinosauri invadono le Terme di Caracalla a Roma #jurassic #world #dominio #dinosauri #invadono #terme #caracalla #roma #27maggio
#27Maggio #roma #caracalla #terme #invadono #dinosauri #dominio #world #jurassic