20) A reminder, when you encounter #Windfarm objectors, advise them that turbines can be disassembled when we achieve #NuclearFusion. Until then, we’re in emergency mode to stop poison being spilled into the atmosphere
As Britain tries to legislate a #CleanEnergy transition a variety of objections are being raised. Each one aids the #Carbonarchy
Remind your politician NOT to aid the #Oilygarchy
#windfarm #nuclearfusion #cleanenergy #carbonarchy #oilygarchy #climatecrisis #greenenergy #climateemergency
LOL. Just your basic FUD (Fear, Uncertainty , Doubt) strategy from the #Carbonarchy
19) File this one under dealing with #FearOfChange
New #WindFarm construction is often met with protest frequently stoked by the #Carbonarchy under the guise of ecological or environmental impact. In this case, wind farms somehow threaten whales.
The #Oilygarchy just want to slow down the #EnergyTransition so they can sell the last barrel of oil from their deposits
Remember this formula:
#CleanEnergy = #CleanAir + #CoolPlanet
🔑 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/05/opinion/wind-energy-offshore-new-jersey-misinformation.html
#fearofchange #windfarm #carbonarchy #oilygarchy #energytransition #cleanenergy #cleanair #coolplanet #climatecrisis
Looks like he’s owned by the #Carbonarchy
Interesting how this supposed #capitalist advocates for dirty, extractive, expensive, finite 19th century technology rather than low cost, clean technology.
I guess math basic math competency is not a requirement for the presidency
#Election2023 #Renewables #Politics
#carbonarchy #capitalist #election2023 #renewables #politics
16) As much as the forces of inertia attempt to slow the transition to #CleanEnergy, the change is happening faster than many appreciate. There will be missteps along the way and no shortage of critique but the days of the #carbonarchy are drawing to a close
#FossilFuels #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis
🔑 https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/08/12/climate/clean-energy-us-fossil-fuels.html
#cleanenergy #carbonarchy #fossilfuels #climateaction #climatecrisis
It’s extraordinary how quickly people opt to forget. The forces of inertia of course encourage that forgetting. Politicians are rarely resistant to the #carbonarchy’s $$$
Democracy sometimes move slowly until there is a groundswell which drives change. Australia managed to solve its #GunControl problem, something America has failed on an epic level