The strategic review of Australia’s #military was released yesterday:
“The #ClimateEmergency has been described as a direct threat to both human and ecological #security. #ClimateChange could make armed conflict more likely by acting as a “threat multiplier”. Climate-driven #droughts, #desertification, changing rainfall patterns and the loss of arable land could lead to the #collapse of governments or a fleeing population.”
#HotPlanet unprecedented #Disasters #Floods #Bushfires #CarbonBootprint
“The review delves into far more depth and even advocates for defence procurement to move away from #FossilFuels, which could have both positive operational and environment effects.”
#Greenhouse gas #Emissions #Machines
#military #climateemergency #security #climatechange #droughts #desertification #collapse #hotplanet #disasters #floods #bushfires #carbonbootprint #fossilfuels #greenhouse #emissions #machines