In Ontario, Canada where I live our #carbonfee just went up to $65/ton. Since we have a version of James Hanson’s fee and dividend carbon policy our projected carbon dividend this year is close to $1000 paid quarterly. As an engineer I like the simple elegance of the #feeanddividend policy. Both the fee and the dividend naturally incentivize a move away from fossil fuels. The question I still have is $65/ton and $1000/yr enough to get job done.
» 氣候變遷因應法三讀 分階段徵收碳費2050淨零排放 | 中央社 // 立法院會今天採表決方式處理氣候變遷因應法保留條文,由於民進黨團具人數優勢,最後通過的是民進黨團版修正動議。
Update from the #MoneyPipeline:
Outgoing head of Financial Stability Board calls for a global #CarbonFee to give banks a #climate price signal.
But #WeDontHaveTime for such a fee to get installed. Such talk is climate #delay, just what climate deniers want to see.
Banks don't need such a price signal. They just need to look at the #ClimateRisk honestly ("fiduciary duty", anyone?) and act accordingly.
#moneypipeline #carbonfee #climate #wedonthavetime #delay #climaterisk