This is some excellent news from Clean Energy Finance #CEF & #TimBuckley. “We project that the cumulative liability of #Woodside and partners’ #BurrupHub project to 2050 is between $28 billion to $63 billion (nominal, not NPV (Net Present Value), with Woodside’s share approximately 40 per cent. Most costly are the ageing #NWS facilities and the planned Browse expansion". The difference is the level of the opening #CarbonPrice, either $45/t or $75/t. Without successful Carbon Capture & Storage #CCS, this projects become financially unviable.
#cef #timbuckley #woodside #burruphub #nws #carbonprice #ccs
We need more action: “Early economic analyses of the IRA calculate that the legislation’s provisions, like its various tax credits for #cleanenergy, create an implicit #carbonprice of around $12 per ton – scarcely one-tenth of Europe’s explicit one.”
Our CCPI tool shows Pakistan would need a $60/t #carbonprice to incentivise coal-to-clean switching.
This isn't feasible currently, but a more modest $20/t levy, introduced gradually, would help bridge the gap. #energytransition
#carbonprice #energytransition
"When EPA or other agencies consider pollution control regulations, industries understandably draw attention to what those standards may cost them."
But how much can society gain by avoiding #carbon #emissions?
$190 per tonne.
Every year we emit 35 billion tonnes globally: that's 6.7 trillion dollars of #climate damage inflicted mostly on the future, every year.
#CarbonPrice #ClimateChange
#carbon #emissions #climate #carbonprice #climatechange
"This first-in-the-nation legislation uses the #PolluterPays model: those who produce pollution should pay to clean it up, and applies it to #GreenhouseGas #emissions.
If enacted, the Climate Change Superfund Act would require oil and gas producers in NY to pay $30 billion over the next decade. But ultimately, the bill aims to bring in a total of $75 billion over a 25-year period."
#NewYork #CarbonPrice
#polluterpays #greenhousegas #emissions #newyork #carbonprice
monetisation and commodification of nature can go ahead eg via #CarbonPrice.
Their delusional single-dimensional world replica seeped into politics, into company behaviour, into individual & culture norms.
These types, mainstream economists, with their programmatic lack of self-reflection and programmatic lack of humility should never again inflict cultural imperialism and never again set values nor price for us all.
They play dice and gamble with our lives, but haughtily claim it were science
Over the past week, #EU negotiators have agreed a #GasPrice cap, a #CarbonPrice on buildings and road transport, an €87bn social climate fund, an EU carbon border tax (#CBAM) and the contours of a #methane reduction regulation. reports.
#eu #gasprice #carbonprice #CBAM #methane
As reforms of #EmissionsTrading in Europe are discussed, let us take a look at the tools used to project the outcome of such reforms: what is the expected / predicted #carbonprice towards 2030? What would be necessary? And how well equipped are analytical tools to model carbon prices in a rapidly changing economy?
Join the Ariadne Webinar on "EU ETS price through 2030 and beyond: A closer look at drivers, models & assumptions"
Wed 30 Nov 2022, 1:30 - 3pm
Register at
#carbonprice #emissionstrading
Me in September 2011:
Sign to support our climate future! #carbonprice #cleanenergy in Australia. Together let's beat the polluter lobbies!
RT @peterliese: I’ve fought a lot for the #MSR to bring the EU #carbonprice up from only 10 euros. Now we are between 70-100 euros and that is good reason in times of crisis to bring it down. My statement 👉
I’ve fought a lot for the #MSR to bring the EU #carbonprice up from only 10 euros. Now we are between 70-100 euros and that is good reason in times of crisis to bring it down. My statement 👉
RT @jrockstrom
The German Emissions Report 2021 is out, and curves are still not bending. The only remedy is an increasing #carbonprice combined with a social compensation scheme. Full statement by my co-director #Edenhofer here: @Umweltbundesamt