Auscandoc · @auscandoc
1080 followers · 9974 posts · Server

“Cutting “needs to be the centrepiece of efforts over the next few years to get on track with limiting to below 2C”, said Ian Parry of the . “Ideally this is done through [and] some of the revenues from reforms should be used to compensate poor and vulnerable households.”

#fossilfuelsubsidies #globalwarming #imf #carbonpricing

Last updated 1 year ago

Europäische Kommission - Vertr · @EUinDE
117 followers · 2235 posts · Server

Re 3. Co2 einen Preis geben, um Emissionen zu senken. Dieses Feld ist neu, es gibt noch viel zu tun. Das Ziel: mindestens 60 % der weltweiten Emissionen durch Kohlenstoffpreismechanismen abdecken. Ein Teil soll dann für Klimafinanzierung verwendet werden.



Last updated 1 year ago

💸 To leverage Policies, international agreement on core principles needs to be advanced, e.g., on the role of & removing to increasing , f.ex. by implementing the OECD agreement on a global minimal corporate tax rate.

#fiscal #carbonpricing #FossilFuelSubsidies #fiscalspace

Last updated 2 years ago

Eric Maugendre · @maugendre
44 followers · 148 posts · Server

"Innovators deciding on how much to invest in R&D will generally spend less money than is socially optimal, because their decisions typically do not include the possibility that the result will create shoulders for others to stand on. That, too, calls for ". by @gwagner

#transition #spillovers #growth #energy #renewables #inflation #eu #innovation #greencapitalism #carbonpricing #taxes #subsidies

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex · @MisterMadge
4 followers · 43 posts · Server

With the EU's carbon pricing and recently enacted cross border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), it's important to study how they actually effect behaviors (and if they could be beneficial to other economies).

This column says they "may be a boon for the world, even in the short run"

#carbontax #ClimateChange #carbonpricing

Last updated 2 years ago

Loukas Christodoulou · @Loukas
1356 followers · 4379 posts · Server

Update on this, EU are up over 9% now, meaning more than half of all the year's growth is after the deal. See my earlier posts for details of the deal. And why the price is still too damn low

#climatechange #carbonpricing #ets #CarbonCredits

Last updated 2 years ago

dyrehaugen · @dyrehaugen
5 followers · 145 posts · Server

US decarbonization policy favors an approach to decarbonization that focuses NOT on global carbon pricing, but on driving innovation through national and transnational industrial networks.


Last updated 2 years ago

The-14 · @The14
9 followers · 250 posts · Server
The-14 · @The14
13 followers · 279 posts · Server
Steve MacLellan · @SteveM2020
239 followers · 457 posts · Server

“Today’s approval of provincial carbon pricing systems locks in the rules of the road for the next five years. If the systems are well designed, they can help industry to accelerate investment in decarbonization.”

Approval of provincial carbon pricing could be good news for Canadian industry  - Clean Prosperity

#cdnpoli #environment #carbonpricing

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve MacLellan · @SteveM2020
239 followers · 457 posts · Server

Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault said updated pricing plans submitted by Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island don't meet the higher standards for carbon pricing that will take effect next year.

Federal consumer carbon price to expand to three Atlantic provinces next summer - JWN Energy

#politics #atlantic #cdnpoli #carbonpricing

Last updated 2 years ago

Hello! We are a Brussels-based climate organisation working internationally and in the EU with special expertise in carbon pricing.

We want the true cost of pollution on society to be properly reflected in climate policy.

Follow us and visit our website to find out more:

#ClimateAction #carbonpricing #CarbonMarkets #industrialdecarbonisation #internationaltransport #emissionsreductions #carbonremoval #EUETS #cbam #emissionstrading #article6 #greenwashing #justtransition

Last updated 2 years ago

Damien Meadows · @DamienMeadows
56 followers · 18 posts · Server

Good to see the FT publish an article on aviation that recognises that addressing fossil fuel prices is essential to reduce airlines’ climate change impacts: “Green air travel: high fuel prices to provide some lift”. So important to create the economic incentives for this


Last updated 2 years ago

Lasse Leipola · @leipola
154 followers · 28 posts · Server

Hello world! Let me start with a brief . I am working as a policy specialist for a Finnish NGO Finnwatch promoting responsible business conduct. My focus is on issues such as (at the moment especially and ), and (at the moment especially in the sector). When not working, I am studying at the University of Helsinki.

#EnvironmentalEconomics #textiles #justtransition #valuechainemissions #CBAM #voluntarycarbonmarket #carbonpricing #climate #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Anubis2814 · @anubis2814
65 followers · 32020 posts · Server


is light, but it’s a good start once we know that will be baked into its operations.


#RGGI #carbonpricing #environmentaljustice

Last updated 3 years ago

hambibleibt #riseup4Rojava · @hambibleibt
1314 followers · 2591 posts · Server

The low pricing for C02 and what is being planned has effected the discourse in away that people discuss on how the C02 price should be higher, but rarly question if it's usefull at all.

And the answer by the rulers to the resistance that forms against it could look like: Ok we listened to you, so we're offering a trade-off that is, higher C02 price.

Imagine you're an oil company that is pumbing since ages C02 into the ground to gain fossil fuel, you must be laughing on how goverments help you to continue just as is, while claiming it's a step for climatejustice.


Last updated 5 years ago

hambibleibt #riseup4Rojava · @hambibleibt
1314 followers · 2591 posts · Server

Arguments by indigenous people, against :

- > Carbon pricing, including carbon trading, carbon tax-es and carbon offsets, are false solutions to climate change that do NOT keep fossil fuels in the ground.

- > Carbon taxes will always be low, will always be evad-ed, do not cut pollution to the degree needed, and are greenwash.

-> Carbon trading, carbon offsets and REDD+ are fraud-ulent climate mitigation mechanisms that in fact help corporations and governments keep extracting and burning fossil fuels.

-> Token revenues distributed to environmental justice communities from carbon trading or carbon pricing can never compensate for the destruction wrought by the extraction and pollution that is the source of that revenue.

-> The injustices, racism and colonialism of carbon pricing schemes are international in scope. Our re-sistance needs to be international as well.

read more here:

Carbon Pricing: A Critical Perspective for Community Resistance

#ClimateJustice #carbonpricing

Last updated 5 years ago

hambibleibt #riseup4Rojava · @hambibleibt
1314 followers · 2591 posts · Server

" is a term that was popularized by the to include carbon trading (cap-and-trade and offsets), carbon taxes, and voluntary carbon markets schemes. Carbon trading was introduced within the climate negotiations as a way to promote corporate-friendly measures and avoid regulations that could restrict polluting practices.

This allowed corporations to secure additional profit through trading carbon credits. The idea behind carbon trading is to allow corporations to trade away their commitments of reducing emissions. The idea, so the theory goes, is to achieve an overall reduction in emissions through trading and offsetting pollution, rather than reducing extraction and pollution at source.

#un #worldbank #carbonpricing

Last updated 5 years ago

hambibleibt #riseup4Rojava · @hambibleibt
1314 followers · 2591 posts · Server

"-> Carbon pricing is about trade regimes and maintaining a neoliberal capitalist economy and not about cutting emissions at source.""Through this process of commodifying nature, Mother Earth’s ability and capacity to support a climate conducive to life and human societies is now passing into the same corporate hands that are destroying the climate and magnifying social inequities, especially in the global South.

-> A fundamental problem of carbon pricing is its tendency to perpetuate and aggravate these environmental injustices.

-> Carbon pricing is about trade regimes and maintaining a neoliberal capitalist economy and not about cutting emissions at source."


Last updated 5 years ago

Alan Tupper, Alleged Artist · @ThatTupperKid
304 followers · 2353 posts · Server

If you wanted to be "nice" or "sensible" or "fair" about it, phase in the tax over a five year period.

Year 1: 20%
Year 2: 40%
Year 3: 60%
Year 4: 80%
Year 5: 100%

Scale the rank stepping too, so all 100 Emitters and their shareholders get the picture.

The continued capital-seeking behavior of these companies poses an immediate and existential threat, and it must be deal with in terms they understand.

#carbonpricing #ClimateChange #climatestrike

Last updated 5 years ago