Did you know there's a website of #ClimateProgress with #CarbonSolutions called Carbon Herald?
I didn't either until I saw this story about the #BidenHarris program to help create a market for captured carbon.
The grants, made available through the Investing in America agenda will support states, local governments, and public utilities in purchasing products produced from CO2 emissions. https://carbonherald.com/u-s-government-to-invest-100-million-in-carbon-utilization-projects/
#BidenHarris #carbonsolutions #climateprogress
I'm already getting a lot of favorites and boosts on my long #carbonsolutions/#transit/#transportation thread, and a few follows as well. The expected dogpile of criticism hasn't shown up yet, but I won't be surprised if it does! But maybe we can get some intelligent discussions, and some solutions (and problems) I haven't mentioned. I'll maybe try another thread in a day or two on the interlocking societal issues and potential consequences of "good" solutions.
14/ My main point is, be flexible, and recognize that the solutions will be many and complex, even while they CAN greatly improve our lives in the long run. And it's important to make sure these improvements don't just serve the richest, the most advantaged, the whitest, the most urban, or the most desk-job or 9-5 of us. It's a big, diverse population out there, and their needs are many and complex.
#carbonsolutions #transit #transportation