#socialmedia #twitter #margaretkilljoy #acab #allcopsarebad #allcopsarebastards #abolishthepolice #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #abolishprison #prisonabolition #policebrutality #carceraljustice #carceralthinking #carceralsystem #carceralsystems
#socialmedia #twitter #MargaretKilljoy #acab #AllCopsAreBad #allcopsarebastards #abolishthepolice #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #AbolishPrison #prisonabolition #policebrutality #carceraljustice #carceralthinking #carceralsystem #carceralsystems
#policebrutality #acab #allcopsarebad #allcopsarebastards #abolishthepolice #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #abolishprison #racism #antiblackness #antiblackracism #carceraljustice #carceralsystems #carceralsystem #carceralthinking #bigotry #hierarchy #hierarchies #marginalization #oppression #power #powerstructures
#policebrutality #acab #AllCopsAreBad #allcopsarebastards #abolishthepolice #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #AbolishPrison #racism #antiblackness #antiblackracism #carceraljustice #carceralsystems #carceralsystem #carceralthinking #bigotry #hierarchy #hierarchies #Marginalization #oppression #power #powerstructures
The moments in my life when I participated in extrajudicial carceral violence in the interest of "community defense" against objectively "deserving" targets made me feel sick to my stomach and sick to my soul and they still haunt me years later. Do with that what you will. 3/3
#carceralthinking #carceraljustice #carceralviolence #communitydefense #socialmedia #internettoughguy #internettoughguys #violence #violentrhetoric
#carceralthinking #carceraljustice #carceralviolence #communitydefense #socialmedia #internettoughguy #internettoughguys #violence #violentrhetoric
The embrace of a policy of "community defense" that boils down to "murder someone or inspire others to murder them because they're a stranger you heard bad things about online" could easily have already left me dead a dozen times over. So forgive me for being hesitant at best. 2/3
#carceralthinking #carceraljustice #carceralviolence #communitydefense #socialmedia #internettoughguy #internettoughguys #violence #violentrhetoric
#carceralthinking #carceraljustice #carceralviolence #communitydefense #socialmedia #internettoughguy #internettoughguys #violence #violentrhetoric
I've never threatened or doxxed or abused anyone. I've never sexually assaulted or coerced or manipulated anyone. The only violence I've ever done in my life was in defense of myself and others. But I have a reputation in a lot of circles for being "dangerous". 1/3
#carceralthinking #carceraljustice #carceralviolence #communitydefense #socialmedia #internettoughguy #internettoughguys #violence #violentrhetoric
#carceralthinking #carceraljustice #carceralviolence #communitydefense #socialmedia #internettoughguy #internettoughguys #violence #violentrhetoric