A picture (or video) is worth a thousand words
#carculturesucks #entitleddrivers #ProtectedBikeLanes #bikes #bikelanes
#carculturesucks #entitleddrivers #ProtectedBikeLanes #bikes #bikelanes
For most people who only drive, they can’t see what’s wrong with this, or probably don’t care
#entitleddriver #driving #carculture #cars #carculturesucks #cycling #activetransportation
#entitleddriver #driving #carculture #cars #carculturesucks #cycling #activetransportation
Rode my bike to run errands yesterday. If I did what this driver did, I’d be feeding into the narrative that people on bikes never follow the rules. Yet when drivers do this, it’s an individual action, doesn’t reflect all drivers,
shrug our shoulders and we an excuse for it
#baddrivers #carculturesucks #carculture #bicycle #BikesAsTransportation #RedLightRunning
#baddrivers #carculturesucks #carculture #bicycle #bikesastransportation #RedLightRunning
I’ve had to do a lot of driving lately. Another reason why driving shouldn’t be the only way to get around is bc you’re also dealing w/ 1000s of different personalities/temperaments on the road and ppl drive their cars partly based on their temperament. This makes driving really dangerous trying to predict strangers temperament.
#carsarenotfreedom #carculturesucks #CarsDestroyCities #carbrained #driving
#carsarenotfreedom #carculturesucks #carsdestroycities #carbrained #driving
I love impatient drivers that try to pass me on my right
#impatientdriver #carbrained #carculturesucks #baddrivers #onyourleft
#impatientdriver #carbrained #carculturesucks #baddrivers #onyourleft
It only took about 30 seconds for a driver not to see me
#impatientdriver #carculturesucks #carbrained #LAsucksforcycling
#impatientdriver #carculturesucks #carbrained #lasucksforcycling
Wrote a blog about my trip to San Diego last month. Focused on the good stuff of the trip instead of how bad drivers are in San Diego. Trying to be more positive on this site.
#entitleddrivers #eatbikeexplore #carculturesucks #bikeinstead #carfree #traintravel
#entitleddrivers #eatbikeexplore #carculturesucks #bikeinstead #carfree #TrainTravel