#Trump #RICO #GA #MostWanted #CardDeck #WildCard
If you recall the Iraq Most Wanted playing card deck, I've got your alternative to #IndictmentBingo right here.
#mostwanted #carddeck #trump #wildcard #indictmentbingo #rico #ga
#Math Reveals How Many Shuffles Randomizes A #CardDeck
A riffle shuffle (pictured) requires seven shuffles to randomize a 52-card deck. Laying cards face-down on a table and mixing them by pushing them around (a technique researchers dubbed “smooshing”) requires 30 to 60 seconds to randomize the cards. An overhand shuffle — taking sections from a deck and moving them to new positions — is a staggeringly poor method of randomizing, requiring some 10,000-11,000 iterations.
Anyone else remember the time the #USA put leading figures on a #CardDeck during the #Invasion of #Iraq?
I think we need the same for #Putin's regime and #Christofacists in the #US...
If anyone has suggestions and matching photos: I'd love to see that being made...
I could get it made if I can get like 500 preorders...
#US #christofacists #Putin #Iraq #Invasion #carddeck #USA
I’m finally able to reveal a prototype of a fantasy deck of playing cards I have been developing in tandem with my Map of the World!
More details to follow and hopefully we can do something to take this, high fantasy flavour, 54 cards deck beyond its current prototype form and into your hands to use in your TTRPG games, in between sessions or just to play any classical card game you enjoy!
#fantasyart #playingcards #carddeck #ttrpg
#ttrpg #carddeck #playingcards #fantasyart
"The Wyrd Deck..." #TtrpgArt #DnD5e #DnD #5e #RoleplayingGames #GamesArt #CardDeck #FantasyArt #DungeonsAndDragons #Pirates
#pirates #dungeonsanddragons #fantasyart #carddeck #GamesArt #roleplayinggames #5e #dnd #dnd5e #ttrpgart
My new set at work is a large one, a personified deck of cards. The royal cards were the easiest to plan out, haha. Here are the queens (I'm going to add more of her torso to Clubs, she looks short next to her fellows)
I decided to make them more 'cardy' that I'd keep the skin pure white. When I originally colored them in more human tones they just didn't look right ><
#freelance #work #queens #carddeck #hearts #diamonds #clubs #spades #firealpaca
#freelance #work #queens #carddeck #hearts #diamonds #clubs #spades #firealpaca
hydraulic press card deck...
#carddeck #deckofcards #playingcards #hydraulicpress #animatedgif
#carddeck #deckofcards #hydraulicpress #animatedgif
hydraulic press card deck...
#carddeck #deckofcards #playingcards #hydraulicpress #animatedgif
#carddeck #deckofcards #hydraulicpress #animatedgif