Incredible to see continuously trending #ASH22 and related hashtags across chats/conferences/diseases/other categories! Stoked to see #lymsm #mmsm #leusm #cardiacpath #path2path #meded #lymphoma in the mix too!
#ash22 #lymsm #mmsm #leusm #cardiacpath #Path2Path #MedEd #lymphoma
Hi! I am a forensic and cardiovascular pathologist in Vancouver, BC leading the forensic pathology service for the BC Coroners Service. I enjoy teaching and collaborating on interesting research projects.
My past research involved studying development and differentiation of pacemaking and conducting cardiac myocytes. I am currently interested in #cardiacpath #neuropath #toxicology and sudden death.
I love music and enjoy playing cello and piano. I also collect antiquarian medical books.
#cardiacpath #Neuropath #toxicology