Wouldn't want to be in Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer’s shoes this morning as she's grilled by Tory Shill
Laura Keunssberg. I wonder if she’ll use the cushions or the comfy chair?
#SpanishInquisition #CardinalFang Tees by Sillytees bit.ly/3UScSrK
#spanishinquisition #cardinalfang
Oh no ! Poor Jeremy Hunt (silent ‘C’) is going to be grilled by Tory shill @bbclaurak .I wonder if she’ll use the cushions or the comfy chair?
#SpanishInquisition #CardinalFang Tees by Sillytees bit.ly/3UScSrK
#spanishinquisition #cardinalfang
Poor old Dimmi Raab. Bet he feels battered and bruised after that @bbclaurak interview. Tory shills like our Laura can be ruthless. #TheComfyChair
#SpanishInquisition @DominicRaab #CardinalFang Tees by Sillytees bit.ly/3UScSrK
#thecomfychair #spanishinquisition #cardinalfang
Oh no ! Poor RishiSunak is going to be grilled by Tory shill Laura Kuenssberg.I wonder if she’ll use the cushions or the comfy chair? #GTTO
#SpanishInquisition #CardinalFang Tees by Sillytees http://bit.ly/3UScSrK
#gtto #spanishinquisition #cardinalfang
Wouldn't want to be in Transport Secretary Mark Harper's shoes as he's grilled by Tory attack dog
Laura Keunssberg . I wonder if she’ll use the cushions or the comfy chair?
#SpanishInquisition #CardinalFang Tees by Sillytees https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265985877405?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=svYBu4TfQ4m&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=svYBu4TfQ4m&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
#spanishinquisition #cardinalfang