The Red Cardinal Flower or Lobelia Cardinalis, is a native summer blooming wildflower that loves water and can be found along streambanks, ponds and swamps. It has a deep red velvety flower with deep green foliage and the Hummingbirds and Butterflies love it.
See it here
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#cardinalflower #flowers #Mastoflowers #FlowersOfMastodon #flowerfriday #flowerphotography #wild #wildflowers #Lobelia #BuyIntoArt #artforsale #giftideas #mastophoto #nature
This female Ruby Throated Hummingbird is hovering near the brilliant red wildflower, Lobelia Cardinalis,and is anticipating the sweet nectar that it will shortly enjoy.
Hummers Love Red available here
#Hummingbirds #RubyThroatedHummingbird #birds #MastoBirds #BirdsOfMastodon #flowers #CardinalFlower #MastoFlowers #FlowerFriday #FlowersOfMastodon #artforsale #nature #wildlife #wild #FreeShipping #BuyIntoArt
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#PlantIdentification #AdviceWanted
I think this is a #CardinalFlower #Lobelia - can a more experienced #gardener please confirm?
#Garden #Gardening #GardeningForWildlife #GardeningForPollinators #NativePlants #Minnesota #GardenersOfMastodon #MasterGardeners
#plantidentification #advicewanted #cardinalflower #lobelia #gardener #garden #gardening #gardeningforwildlife #gardeningforpollinators #nativeplants #minnesota #gardenersofmastodon #mastergardeners
Cardinal flower for Saturday. Very interesting flower.
#hobonichitecho #hobonichi #ink #micron #doodle #Cardinalflower #loebelia #pink #red #flowers #watercolor #drawing #sketchoftheday #sotd #botanicalillustration #kuretake #waterbrush #mastoart
#hobonichitecho #hobonichi #ink #micron #doodle #cardinalflower #loebelia #pink #red #flowers #watercolor #drawing #sketchoftheday #sotd #BotanicalIllustration #kuretake #waterbrush #mastoart
Day 7 #AdventCalendar The bright red Cardinal Flower is the Hummingbird's favorite nectar and the red is hard to miss. The vivid red Lobelia is growing in my backyard pond and the Ruby Throated Hummingbird is zooming in for some sweet nectar.
Available here
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#adventcalendar #hummingbird #ArtAdventCalendar #nature #Lobelia #wildlife #bird #birdlover #birdart #rubythroatedhummingbird #birdwatching #naturelover #animal #cardinalflower #artmatters