Another one in the books, #FediFam. Hope your Saturday was a good start to your weekend, and you have some things to be #thankful for. Let's go ahead and start the long weekend of THREE GOOD THINGS™️!
🏈 #UMass got paid $1.95M to lose to Auburn today!
🐟 The #TinyTuna have arrived on #CapeCod!
🏃♂️ The weather is perfect for outdoor #cardio, which I normally hate!
Have a pleasant, calm, and soothing evening. What do you feel #gratitude for today?
#mindfulness #ThreeGoodThings #gratitude #cardio #capecod #tinytuna #UMass #thankful #FediFam
« Travailler son endurance physique renforce aussi son endurance mentale. » #citationdujour de Michael Jordan #endurance #cardio #courir #citation
#citationdujour #endurance #cardio #courir #citation
Today's #workout
Warmup: 8' AMRAP
- 45" machine (bike/row/ski)
- 4 inchworm to push-up
- 5 burpee broad jump
- 6 hollow-arch-hollow turns
Warm-up 2: 2 rounds empty barbell
- 10 bent over rows
- 10 strict shoulder to overhead
- 10 good morning
PVC practice: power cleans
#WeightLifting Power cleans every 90"
- 3x 3 reps at 75%
- 3x 2 reps at 85%
- 3x 1 rep at 90%
Since I don't know my 1RM I built up to what felt a heavy 3 (28kg) and did 28-31-33,5kg
Death by cardio: For time
- 40/32 cal row
- 30/22 cal bike
- 30/22 cal row
- 20/16 cal bike
- 20/16 cal row
- 10/8 cal bike
Took me 11:21 using an echo bike.
#CrossFit #CrossfitForYoga #WorkoutOfTheDay #Wod #Fitness #StrengthTraining #Cardio #DeathByCardio #GymLife
#workout #weightlifting #crossfit #crossfitforyoga #WorkoutOfTheDay #wod #fitness #strengthtraining #cardio #deathbycardio #gymlife
For a Monday, #FediFam, that wasn't too bad. The Domestic Partner has gone to bed so in this quiet moment let's think of THREE GOOD THINGS™️ !
🏋️ Set a personal best for #cardio, of all things.
🧶 #Scarf in progress! Stitching into the starting chain sucks!
🔨 Fixed yet another leaking faucet. Practically a plumber tbh.
I hope you all have some quiet time to wind down and experience #gratitude. Be kind to yourself and get ready for a better tomorrow!
#ThreeGoodThings #gratitude #scarf #cardio #FediFam
Aquatic fitness tomorrow.
I dread it because I don't handle people well. It's a group class, 1 hour. I just have to do something to take care of my cardiovascular health. Haven't run in years, bike isn't an option. So I'm going to the pool. People, take care of your backs. 😔
For reducing mortality rates
We searched for the perfect workout states
Aerobic and strength
Were the chosen good health
Combined, they'll reduce risk at most greats
#exercise #cardio #strength #health #limerick #poetry
#exercise #cardio #strength #health #limerick #poetry
I’ve been back and forth with an old friend lately, and it turns out I will have to do an Ironman. So, naturally - because I’m an idiot- I want to do two.
One legitimate one, it looks like I would have to get my first tattoo as well…
But two, I want to create one with three different disciplines. I’ve been trying to figure out what fields, so I’m asking for ideas.
Help a nutter out.
#fitness #cardio #IronMan #running #swimming #cycling #LetsGetCreative
#fitness #cardio #ironman #running #swimming #cycling #letsgetcreative
I'm looking for mutuals who are interested in #fitness and #exercise especially if they are also new or bad at it.
I mostly do #yoga #pilates and recently got into #LISS #cardio but aspire to higher-intensity workouts. I'm in my late 30s and deal with #depression and #ChronicFatigue
My other interests include reading, video games, cats, gardening, cooking, and baking.
Please note that I am a recipe developer and pastry chef, and not a weightloss account.
#fitness #exercise #yoga #pilates #liss #cardio #depression #chronicfatigue
Joe's ADHD Tips: Focus Music! by Answers In Reason #ADHDtips #adultADHDtips #tasks #chores #ADHDandchores #music #ADHDmusic #musicADHD #motivationalmusic #dnb #trance #metal #tiktok #epistemologytopic #epistemology #knowledge #belief #running #fitness #cardio #dandb #drumandbass #drumnbass #platosrave #pre-streammix #mix #dj #djwizardsleeve #mind #art #ADHD #adultADHDjourney
#adhdtips #adultadhdtips #tasks #chores #adhdandchores #music #adhdmusic #musicadhd #motivationalmusic #dnb #trance #metal #tiktok #epistemologytopic #epistemology #knowledge #belief #running #fitness #cardio #dandb #drumandbass #drumnbass #platosrave #pre #mix #dj #djwizardsleeve #mind #art #adhd #adultadhdjourney
Start of a new week. Crossfit, a one hour session. Cardio for a change. A good WOD managed to finish under the cap time of 20 mins. And after did some Bench press, managed 70 kilos max, one rep but three times. Total 2560 kilos in 25 mins, so not to bad for my age. Start of a good week. #fitness #cardio
Het was toch nog ff flink door stappen voor mij deze keer.
Maar goed ik doe dit niet voor niks en dat bracht mij over de eindstreep.
Keep Punching!! 🥊
#ren #run #rennen #running #runner #hardlopen #cardio #hiit #training #excerises #hardlooptraining #interval #intervaltraining #fysiotherapie #nachtdieren #blessure #pijn #gezond #healty #gezondleven #healthyliving #afvallen #weightloss #fit #herstellen #apeldoorn #keeppunching
#keeppunching #apeldoorn #herstellen #fit #weightloss #afvallen #healthyliving #gezondleven #healty #gezond #Pijn #blessure #nachtdieren #fysiotherapie #intervaltraining #interval #hardlooptraining #excerises #training #hiit #cardio #hardlopen #runner #running #rennen #run #ren
Training fysiowandeling: voldaan!
Keep Punching!! 🥊
#ren #run #rennen #running #runner #hardlopen #cardio #hiit #training #excerises #hardlooptraining #interval #intervaltraining #fysiotherapie #blessure #pijn #gezond #healty #gezondleven #healthyliving #afvallen #weightloss #fit #herstellen #apeldoorn #keeppunching
#keeppunching #apeldoorn #herstellen #fit #weightloss #afvallen #healthyliving #gezondleven #healty #gezond #Pijn #blessure #fysiotherapie #intervaltraining #interval #hardlooptraining #excerises #training #hiit #cardio #hardlopen #runner #running #rennen #run #ren
Die 10.000+ stappen er maar inhouden (als het lukt). Want het bevalt me prima zo!
Keep Punching!! 🥊
#ren #run #rennen #running #runner #hardlopen #cardio #hiit #training #excerises #hardlooptraining #interval #intervaltraining #fysiotherapie #nachtdieren #blessure #pijn #gezond #healty #gezondleven #healthyliving #afvallen #weightloss #fit #herstellen #apeldoorn #keeppunching
#keeppunching #apeldoorn #herstellen #fit #weightloss #afvallen #healthyliving #gezondleven #healty #gezond #Pijn #blessure #nachtdieren #fysiotherapie #intervaltraining #interval #hardlooptraining #excerises #training #hiit #cardio #hardlopen #runner #running #rennen #run #ren
Ik had geen zin, maar toch maar zin gemaakt!
Keep Punching!! 🥊
#ren #run #rennen #running #runner #hardlopen #cardio #hiit #training #excerises #hardlooptraining #interval #intervaltraining #fysiotherapie #nachtdieren #blessure #pijn #gezond #healty #gezondleven #healthyliving #afvallen #weightloss #fit #herstellen #apeldoorn #keeppunching
#keeppunching #apeldoorn #herstellen #fit #weightloss #afvallen #healthyliving #gezondleven #healty #gezond #Pijn #blessure #nachtdieren #fysiotherapie #intervaltraining #interval #hardlooptraining #excerises #training #hiit #cardio #hardlopen #runner #running #rennen #run #ren
#WalkAcrossTheAlps Intro
Recovering from #LongCovid I am looking for some #training opportunity. Not too hard - especially not in the beginning - and with options to stop early. This total data looks like a lot. And, now, it is way more than what I can do. I hope to grow strength during the hike. The good thing about Val Poschiavo, where we start, is: there is a train station every like 2 km. Take it easy.
#cardio #hike #wandern #alpen #alps
#alps #alpen #wandern #hike #cardio #training #LongCovid #walkacrossthealps
Pfff... dat was zweten zeg!
Maar ik liep niet helemaal alleen. Ik werd weer eens vergezeld door een poes die vrolijk een stuk mee liep.
❤️ 🐈
Keep Punching!! 🥊
#ren #run #rennen #running #runner #hardlopen #cardio #hiit #training #excerises #hardlooptraining #interval #intervaltraining #fysiotherapie #nachtdieren #blessure #pijn #gezond #healty #gezondleven #healthyliving #afvallen #weightloss #fit #herstellen #apeldoorn #keeppunching
#keeppunching #apeldoorn #herstellen #fit #weightloss #afvallen #healthyliving #gezondleven #healty #gezond #Pijn #blessure #nachtdieren #fysiotherapie #intervaltraining #interval #hardlooptraining #excerises #training #hiit #cardio #hardlopen #runner #running #rennen #run #ren