Gatti Contro l'Umanità
#cardsagainsthumanity #cartecontrolumanita
This selection of topics is pretty much spot on. Had to buy it - proud to be a nerd!
Then, had to buy the base game as well of course. Now I own the UK edition of #CardsAgainstHumanity with a few cultural references that go straight above my head. My filter bubble is more US than UK based, it seems 🤷♀️
Heute ab 20 Uhr findet wieder unser #online #Spieleabend zusammen mit unserem Nachbarn @pdh_hessen statt. Wir spielen unter anderem #CardsAgainstHumanity #GarticPhone #Scribble und #CodeNames
Eure optimale Chance, uns bei einem entspannten Abend kennen zu lernen.
#online #Spieleabend #cardsagainsthumanity #garticphone #scribble #codenames
Here's our next Board Game Night events! March 3rd you can play Cards Against Humanity with us online, and April 7th we're playing Gartic Phone!
Discord events (voice chat and room codes ONLY in the discord)
#Garticphone #cardsagainsthumanity #boardgamenight #sirtaptap #youtube
#GarticPhone #cardsagainsthumanity #BoardGameNight #sirtaptap #youtube
Here's our next Board Game Night events! March 3rd you can play Cards Against Humanity with us online, and April 7th we're playing Gartic Phone!
Discord events (voice chat and room codes ONLY in the discord)
#Garticphone #cardsagainsthumanity #boardgamenight #sirtaptap #youtube
#BoardGameNight #sirtaptap #youtube #GarticPhone #cardsagainsthumanity
Omdat je uiteindelijk er stoer uit moet zien als je in een metalband zit... #cardsagainsthumanity
Das große Autisti hat für die Arbeit Sprechkarten („Gesprächsstoff Kinder“, nicht #CardsAgainstHumanity). Mit den Kinderfragen kriegt man genauso gut interessante Einblicke bei Erwachsenen. Eine Frage ist „Was würdest du tun, wenn du unsichtbar wärst?“
Das kleine Autisti wollte nach Moskau und #Putin umbringen. Die Freundinnen des großen Autisti wollten vor allem wissen, ob ihre Männer wirklich so viel arbeiten wie sie immer behaupten. Erwachsene retten unsere Welt nicht.
I really enjoy playing #CardsAgainstHumanity #FamilyEdition. I can play it with my family and my youngest one loses his shit at all the poop jokes.
#cardsagainsthumanity #familyedition
Well some of these aren't wrong.. #bioware #MassEffect #HappyNewYear2023 #cardsagainsthumanity
#bioware #masseffect #happynewyear2023 #cardsagainsthumanity
I was this many years old when I discovered there is a "family edition" of Cards against Humanity. It's not bad. Can you imagine how much testing they had to do!? #boardgames #gaming #CardsAgainstHumanity
#boardgames #gaming #cardsagainsthumanity
PGd #cardsagainsthumanity so the #teenagers could play. 14 year old sons winning play, even better that he didn’t understand what the card meant.
#teenagers #cardsagainsthumanity
Which are your favorite board games to play with friends and family during this holiday season?
#BoardGames #CardsAgainstHumanity #Xmas
#boardgames #cardsagainsthumanity #xmas
La sera della vigilia di Natale il regista M. Night Shyamalan, giocando a Cards Against Humanity con la famiglia, ha raccontato che la sorella aveva pescato una carta nera con una frase da fare completare agli altri giocatori che parlava di lui:"Nel nuovo film di M. Night Shyamalan, Bruce Willis scopre che ___ è sempre stato ___.", frase che si riferisce al suo film Il Sesto Senso. #cardsagainsthumanity