The fastest memorisers in the world can memorise the order of a deck of 52 cards in less than 15 seconds. Though they need a bit longer for the correct order.
#memory #memorisers #memorisation #cards #cardtrick #recordbreaker #facts
#memory #memorisers #memorisation #cards #cardtrick #recordbreaker #facts
3 sleight-of-hand magic techniques revealed. Don't watch if you don't want to know how the sausage is made. skip to 1:14 for first trick.
What is your favourite #cardtrick ? Or better still what magical thing would you like to see done with a deck of cards? #magic
What's your favourite #cardtrick? What sort of card trick would you like to see performed?
Quality card trickster. Knows his cards.
Do not allow him to deal in a poker game; I'm fact just avoid him!
circular smooth...
#smooth #circular #cardtrick #deckofcards #hands #animatedgif
#smooth #circular #cardtrick #deckofcards #animatedgif
circular smooth...
#smooth #circular #cardtrick #deckofcards #hands #animatedgif
#smooth #circular #cardtrick #deckofcards #animatedgif