Brianna Ghey's incredibly brave Mum, Esther, is championing the Peace in Mind charity campaign in memory of her daughter. The charity aims to bring better mental health into schools both to help children be happy and to help prevent violence.
#GoodNews #Children #MentalHealth #Care #Mindfullness #Peace #Bravery #Heroism
#goodnews #children #mentalhealth #care #mindfullness #peace #bravery #heroism
I wrote about the pilot starting back in April, but now 50 robotic pets have been distributed in East Sussex to help people with dementia.
#GoodNews #Sussex #Dementia #Loneliness #Robots #Robotic #Pets #Animals #Dogs #Cats #Elderly #Care
#goodnews #sussex #dementia #loneliness #robots #robotic #pets #animals #dogs #cats #elderly #care
🧑🏫Our members will be at the British Society for #Population Studies (BSPS) #conference from Monday - Wednesday next week at Keele University.
To see how we are getting involved - including a stand with our Connecting #Generations partners LCDS - head to our website to see full listings 👇👇 #bsps2023
#demography #migration #fertility #family #mortality #covid19 #housing #care #bayesian #ethnicity
#population #conference #generations #bsps2023 #Demography #migration #fertility #family #Mortality #COVID19 #housing #care #bayesian #ethnicity
Environmentalists condemn Australia’s ‘woeful record’ after 48 plants and animals added to threatened species list
“This many species being added to the list in one go is a sign of widespread ecological collapse,” Tim Beshara of the Wilderness Society.
“Australia has a woeful track record when it comes to protecting our unique animals and plants. We are a world leader in sending mammals to extinction – and it is mostly because we keep allowing their homes to be bulldozed, logged and overrun,” Nature campaigner Jess Abrahams
“We need stronger laws to protect these species and significantly more funding to do it with."
#Australia #EnvironmentalManagement #sprawl #roads #cats #dogs #deforestation #logging #NSWLogging #TheGreatKoalaNationalPark #biodiversity #EndangeredSpecies #wildlife #koalas #conservation #care #extinction makers
#australia #environmentalmanagement #sprawl #roads #cats #dogs #deforestation #logging #nswlogging #thegreatkoalanationalpark #biodiversity #endangeredspecies #wildlife #koalas #conservation #care #extinction
Die vorgesehenen Sparmaßnahmen im Bereich Gleichstellungs- und Familienpolitik sind ein fatales Signal von #SPD, #Grünen und #FDP.
Das Bündnis Sorgearbeit fair teilen, deren Mitgleid auch die DGB-Frauen sind, hat dazu einen Offenen Brief verfasst.
Hier ist er zu finden:
#DGB #Gewerkschaft #Sorgearbeit #CareArbeit #Care #Gleichstellung #Familie
#spd #grunen #fdp #dgb #gewerkschaft #sorgearbeit #carearbeit #care #gleichstellung #familie
Heute im Zentrum #Bielefeld's um 20 Uhr:
Eine #Lesung mit #Literatur über unser #Gesundheitssystem, in #Roman-form:
"Als Barbara Steindl im Bad ihres Krankenhauszimmers zusammenbricht, sind die stationsführende Ärztin Judit Kasparek und ihr Team ratlos. Während die #Patientin auf der #Intensivstation um ihr Leben kämpft, ist das Personal mit Schuldzuweisungen, Selbstzweifeln und Überforderung be-schäftigt.
Elena Messner zeigt in ihrem sprachlich brillanten Roman das komplexe System #Krankenhaus zwischen Rentabilität und Patient:innenwohl und geht kompromisslos der Frage nach der Verantwortung in der #Medizin auf den Grund.
Mit „Schmerzambulanz“ wollen wir als Eulenspiegel einen Blick in den „Maschinenraum“ der #Care Arbeit wagen. Der Roman steht auch dafür, ein Schlaglicht auf das sujet Arbeit zu werfen, das in gegenwärtigen Romanen oft nur eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt.
Und gibt es einen besseren Zeitpunkt als im Zeitalter der großen Krankenhausrevolution einen fiktionalen Blick in die Innenwelt des Krankenhauses zu werfen?
Wir freuen uns auf Elena Messner und einen besonderen Lesungsabend."
#bielefeld #lesung #literatur #gesundheitssystem #Roman #patientin #intensivstation #krankenhaus #Medizin #care
Technology-Based Interventions to Address Social Isolation and Loneliness Among Informal Dementia Caregivers: A Scoping Review
"...#Technology-based interventions addressing #social isolation and loneliness in informal #dementia #caregivers have the potential to overcome barriers to low uptake of services and withdrawal from interventions and improve the sustainability of the interventions..."
#technology #social #dementia #caregivers #health #care
Dear former, current and future Mentees
You are cordially invited to join the Mentoring Popup Meetups 😍
Meetup for inspiring exchanges, future plans, fun and more - provided for and by Mentoring Peers
Sign up
#uzh #facultyofscience #uzh_science
#mentoringprogram #mentoringmatters #uzhstudents #care #supporteachother❤️
#uzh #facultyofscience #uzh_science #mentoringprogram #mentoringmatters #uzhstudents #care #supporteachother
Offline: Primary healthcare is not enough.
"...The “fundamental role” of primary healthcare is, once again, central to the 2023 vision for #UHC—90% of essential interventions for UHC can be delivered using a primary healthcare approach...”
#PrimaryHealth #PHC #Care #aging
#uhc #primaryhealth #phc #care #aging
A brave trans woman who suffered abuse and was denied medication has, through her lawsuit, triggered a reform of prison policy that will protect future trans inmates.
#GoodNews #LGBTQ #Trans #Woman #Prison #Law #Reform #Care #Heroism
#goodnews #lgbtq #trans #woman #prison #law #reform #care #heroism
A trans woman who was excluded by beauty salons has created her own inclusive mobile beauty salon called Obsidian Beauty.
#GoodNews #LGBTQ #Trans #Woman #Beauty #Business #Salon #Mobile #Accessibility #Inclusion #Care #Liverpool
#goodnews #lgbtq #trans #woman #beauty #business #salon #mobile #accessibility #inclusion #care #liverpool
Prevalence of Palliative Care Needs in Older Adults With #Multimorbidity: A Multicentric Point Prevalence Study
#Multimorbidity #Palliative #care
System degradation - The Darling River
"The suffocation of up to 30 million fish in western NSW has been described by a scientist as a "canary in the coal mine" for a sick river environment. NSW deputy chief scientist Darren Saunders said the fish deaths were symptomatic of a larger problem.
"The fish are a canary in the coal mine"
"What we found is there's a much broader degradation in the ecosystem in the Darling Baarka. But essentially the environment is sick, the fish are essentially an indicator."
#DarlingRiver #Menindee #FishKill #river #NSW #ecosystem #degradation #care #coal #climate #extinction makers
#darlingriver #menindee #fishkill #river #nsw #ecosystem #degradation #care #coal #climate #extinction
How did it get to be 1:15?
I'm not actually feeling like shit or anything, and I slept well. I'll confess I'm moving slowly, but that's because I had quite a lovely massage yesterday, which will hopefully become a regular thing for a bit.
But I'm going to have to pull myself together if I'm using this afternoon's care shift to do anything out in the big wide world. #Disability #Care #MECFS
Femboy holding a glass nail file, moments before nail disaster (Colorized)
#NailFile #Filing #Nails #Health #Care #NailCare #Frugal #Environmental #SFW #Skirt #Bed #Plushy #Femboy #Shaved #Cute #Athletic #LongHair #LGBTQ #Trans #Gay #eGirl #eBoy #Breedable #Pride #Sissy #Muscle #Silly #Comfy #Bottom #Anime #GenderQueer #CrossDresser #Top #NeuroDivergent #Bisexual #StuffedAnimal #Choker #Fishnet #Trap #Dominant #Mask #Submissive #NonBinary #Femininity #Shirt #Autistic #Switch #Paper #Clothing
#nailfile #filing #nails #health #care #nailcare #frugal #environmental #sfw #skirt #bed #plushy #femboy #shaved #cute #Athletic #longhair #lgbtq #Trans #gay #egirl #eboy #breedable #pride #sissy #muscle #silly #comfy #bottom #anime #genderqueer #crossdresser #top #neurodivergent #bisexual #stuffedanimal #choker #fishnet #trap #dominant #mask #submissive #nonbinary #femininity #shirt #autistic #switch #paper #clothing
🇺🇸 How the US #failed to #Rebuild #Afghanistan | 3,640,738 views Jan 11, 2018 | "Where the #RING_ROAD ENDS in Afghanistan, the #Taliban begin."
🇺🇸 For the last 16 years Ring Road has been used for #smuggling #Heroin into multiple countries. Sweden is so ADDICTED they had to #legalized Heroin.
💊 #Heroin and #oxycodone are both classified as #opioids, and their molecular structure is nearly an #exact_match.
🏴☠️ The Average Afghanistan citizen are delighted they are killing millions of Americans while mothers morn forever for Children who have OVERDOSED from this Lethal Drug.
🏴☠️ On the flip side of that story ..what the USA has done to this country is #reprehensible!! 100% #Betrayal in our Books! How much more do they #care for an #American_Citizen?? #UGH!
💊 We the People Demand investigation into USA Involvement of #Heroin_Trafficking via #Ring_Road for the LAST 20 years we have #Occupied that country!
All the while USA #Raping & #Pillaging this country for its #URANIUM to build #NUCLEAR_WEAPONS on #USA_SOIL??
The US war in Afghanistan has raged for 16 years, since the US #invaded after 9/11, in 2001
David V Side note: ..aka #Fake_Terrorists?? OR 2 #DEMOLITION_IMPLOSIONS??
Simply Put it is #IMPOSSIBLE FOR #TWO_PLANES to #TAKE_DOWN #TWO_TOWERS in the #EXACT SAME #pancake_pattern!
It's a #BIG_FAT_LIE!
DAVIDV #EXPERIENCE: As a Commercial Heli/Ox BELL SATURATION diver certified in #DEMOLITION_IMPLOSIONS 2 buildings (TOWERS) falling in the EXACT SAME EXACT PANCAKE PATTERN WAS #NOT #CAUSED BY #PLANES.. But by explosives in a #controlled_demolition MANNER; in order NOT to damage the surrounding buildings (DUE TO Massive #Insurance CLAIMS..??)
hello ANYONE home??
At the onset, a centerpiece of US strategy was to rebuild Afghanistan's crumbling infrastructure.
This move expedited military logistics and maneuvers, while simultaneously reigniting travel between Afghanistan's major cities. But when the US started its war in Iraq, that diverted resources and manpower from the battlefield of Afghanistan. And the Taliban didn't miss the chance.
#COMPLICIT? See Below..
To date, the most ambitious road-building project, known as the #Ring_Road, has seen over $3 #billion #spent on its renewal. And it was never completed.
1. #VIDEO:
The #Taliban's #Two_Faced #Poppy_Policy
Abdul Waheed grows #poppies, which are eventually harvested for their #opium. Thanks to his crop, his family can eat for another year.
Adbul is not alone; 200,000 #families in #Afghanistan survive by growing opium, amounting to almost #half the #worlds_supply.
The Taliban, the world-famous movement founded on religious fanaticism, controls 90% of the land where opium is harvested. The Taliban claims to be as tough on drugs as they on other aspects of society banned by Islam, but the regime takes a hefty 10% from the profits of the opium, and Abdul says the Taliban have made no efforts to stop him from growing poppies. Giving the Taliban financial and ideological power, the opium trade remains one of their biggest contradictions.
2. #VIDEO:
#Afghanistan's #Billion Dollar #Drug_War | 101 East | Afghanistan's Billion Dollar Drug War - 101 East | It is the front-line of the #war on #drugs - and it is a battle authorities are #losing. May 6, 2015
Afghanistan's #poppy_fields, which feed the #habits of #drug_addicts WORLDWIDE, are #thriving, with #cultivation of the crop hitting #record_highs last year.
With #NATO troops pulling #out and local law enforcement agencies #ill_equipped and #underfunded??, #production looks set to #increase even further.
The number of Afghan addicts is #soaring and with the #Taliban #funded by the #drug_trade, security fears are paramount.
3. #VIDEO:
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
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#failed #Rebuild #afghanistan #Ring_Road #Taliban #smuggling #heroin #legalized #oxycodone #Opioids #exact_match #REPREHENSIBLE #BETRAYAL #care #American_Citizen #ugh #Heroin_Trafficking #occupied #raping #pillaging #uranium #nuclear_weapons #USA_SOIL #invaded #Fake_Terrorists #DEMOLITION_IMPLOSIONS #you #JUDGE #impossible #TWO_PLANES #TAKE_DOWN #TWO_TOWERS #EXACT #PANCAKE_PATTERN #Big_Fat_LIE #experience #not #CAUSED #planes #controlled_demolition #insurance #PROOF #Drug_Trafficking #watch #complicit #billion #spent #video #Two_Faced #Poppy_Policy #poppies #opium #families #Half #worlds_supply #Drug_War #war #drugs #LOSING #poppy_fields #habits #DRUG_ADDICTS #thriving #cultivation #record_highs #nato #out #ill_equipped #underfunded #production #increase #Soaring #Funded #drug_trade #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
Building #resilience and reversing #frailty: a randomised controlled trial of a primary care intervention for older adults
#resilience #frailty #geriatrics #care #prevention #primaryhealthcare
The #receptionists at my GP's are now called #care #coordinators
They're not Care Co-ordinators.
Why do job titles have to be aggrandized?
#receptionists #care #coordinators
#Nightmare- As the #pandemic exposed traditional callousness and #apathy to how the #social #safetynet fails to #care for the #vulnerable, without a #media spotlight, traumatizes #victims: the nonprofit was unable to tell her when or how much it had paid Flagstar and why the #payment hadn’t yet been applied to her #account, she said. **And it wouldn’t provide anything in #writing**
From: @ProPublica
#nightmare #pandemic #apathy #social #safetynet #care #vulnerable #media #victims #payment #account #writing #reformbigmedia