MEDIA RELEASE | UnitingCare Australia welcomes pay rise at last
UnitingCare Australia was the first national aged care body to publicly support a 25% pay rise for workers in March 2022.
We boldly costed the ask and put our support behind our workforce. We firmly believe that all Australians should be afforded the opportunity to age to their full potential.
Today’s significant announcement is all about the people – older people and their families, workers providing care, and the families who rely on those workers.
This overdue pay rise will go a long way toward dealing with the cost-of-living crisis the lowest paid workers are currently facing.
Read our full media release here:
#agedcare #careaboutagedcare #costoflivingcrisis #essentialworkers #auspol
#agedcare #careaboutagedcare #costoflivingcrisis #essentialworkers #auspol
The way In-Home Aged Care services are funded and delivered is set to change.
The reformed model proposed by the Australian Government will significantly overhaul our In-Home Care system, but we are still asking fundamental questions about how the new system will work.
Our concerns with the detail of the new model are outlined in our submission to the government that you can read online.
#careaboutagedcare #agedcare #agedcareaustralia #auspol
Congratulations to, Two Bulls/DEPT® and Uniting AgeWell who have received a grant from the Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) for the Dossy Project – Community Connect, a unique video app that connects families and their loved ones in aged care in an intuitive, meaningful way and reduces social isolation in aged care.
#agedcare #agedcareaustralia #innovation #socialisolation #socialimpact #grants #careaboutagedcare #agewell
#agedcare #agedcareaustralia #innovation #socialisolation #socialimpact #grants #careaboutagedcare #agewell
We recently made a submission to the Department of Health and Ageing on a new model for In-Home Aged Care services.
There were four major points that we wanted to highlight to the government, that we think are critically important for any new model in aged care.
Read more:
#agedcare #reform #policy #inhomeagedcare #careaboutagedcare
#agedcare #reform #policy #inhomeagedcare #careaboutagedcare