New podcast alert 📣
In our new episode 130, we delve into the groundbreaking integration of Python within Microsoft Excel and its transformative impact on non-tech professions. 💪📈
#python #developer #podcast #excel #PDI #coaching #careerchange
#python #developer #podcast #excel #pdi #coaching #careerchange
In the 9/2023 blog, Martin shares his challenges in pursuing career change and strategies that have helped him overcome distractions.
Watch uduforu on YouTube or read at
#careerchange #goalsetting #personaldevelopment #uduforu
#careerchange #goalsetting #personaldevelopment #uduforu
Trying to figure out how to pivot and make a career change, even with all the logical advice I've been given, is only reminding me how burnt out and risk adverse I am.
I just can't bring myself to start over again, especially with the amount of financial anxiety I have.
Because all I've learned leads to "You have to start over" and I'm too scared to change.
@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic #autisticburnout #jobs #careerchange
#actuallyautistic #autisticburnout #jobs #careerchange
I quit my cushy U.S gov't job to go to Viva Las Vegas, circa 1999-2000. Played poker and Blackjack, made three months rent, got my room comped--what more could one ask for?
Never looked back.
#Vegas #LasVegas
#ahtobeyoung #youthiswasted #vegas #lasvegas #careerchange
Leaving a career
For something more relaxed
Smiles all around now
#teaching #costco #careerchange #happiness #haiku #poetry
#teaching #costco #careerchange #happiness #haiku #poetry
@deborahh hi Deb. I believe you’re right! 🌸🙌👍 I'm a #Gardener looking to do a qualification in #Horticulture.
Although the qualification can be done in a classroom setting, I would prefer to do it as a #traineeship partly because I think I would learn more and partly because I need the work. Signing up for a traineeship based qualification requires regular work on a contract.
I have a special interest in #Tea #CamelliaSinensis particularly #Puerh
I'm also interested in #NativePlants #LandRegeneraton #FoodSovereignty and helping elderly and disabled people maintain their gardens, their access to food and their connections with nature.
I have farming experience and am happy to do mostly outdoor manual labour. I'm a casual university #teacher so a school garden program or other educational environment would also be suitable.
Please #boost if you know anyone who might need #Gardening #Horticulture #LandCare #GroundsKeeping #MarketGardening in #GundijimaraCountry or surrounds.
Edit: I can organise the qualification, the prerequisite is that I be contracted to someone else's horticulture business (rather than self-employed in horticulture, as I am now). There are government kickbacks to make it worth your while.
I currently work at Melb Uni, so #PartTime is fine, although I would consider giving that up for #FullTime
#gardener #horticulture #traineeship #tea #CamelliaSinensis #puerh #nativeplants #landregeneraton #foodsovereignty #teacher #boost #gardening #landcare #groundskeeping #MarketGardening #gundijimaracountry #parttime #fulltime #jobhunting #careerchange #fedihired #hireme #manuallabour
I thought I was sooo clever. Remember I am a new coder. I had this color schema that I was doing in css. My coding friends were like "it's not normal to use variables in css"... turns out I was just inventing bootstrap.
#css #bootstrap #careerchange #hireme #lol
I just wanted to throw some positive energy into the Fediverse by sharing some personal good news: I GOT A NEW JOB!!!! And it was the one I wanted most!!! It's been such a hard process and the level of relief and happiness I'm feeling is not remotely quantifiable. I hope whoever reads this gets some good news their way, too. #happypost #careerchange #newbeginnings
#happypost #careerchange #newbeginnings
Having a dickens of a time centering some Font Awesome icons within... checks notes... their own box model.
This is not how I planned to spend my evening.
#fontawesome #fontNOTawesome #css #layout #why #careerchange
#fontawesome #fontnotawesome #css #layout #why #careerchange
I pause the recruitment process for two weeks while going on a much needed holiday.
I am now back and resume preparing for technical interviews with LeetCode easy problems. Looking at them with rested eyes, I just can't stop thinking an entry level job interview must be based on more straight forward questions.
I google "full stack javascript interview questions" and find loads , ex:
I decide to focus on these.
#codenewbie #careerchange #javascriptdeveloper
I have a #goal of being #successful enough with this #careerChange from #teaching to #freelanceWriting that I can afford to buy #AppleVisionPro by #launch. #Hope I can make #goodEnoughContent to #reachYou and #keepYou!
#goal #successful #careerchange #teaching #freelancewriting #applevisionpro #launch #hope #goodenoughcontent #reachyou #keepyou
This week’s column…our strength at being able to accommodate and adapt to changing circumstances can be a weakness that masks underlying career dissatisfaction. #career #coaching #psychology #work #job #covid #careerchange
#career #coaching #psychology #work #job #covid #careerchange
The May 2023 post is up at uduforu!
In a satirical but poignant argument, Martin suggests a new career field, Conversation Engineering, for the emerging AI economy.
Watch @uduforu on YouTube or read at!
#artificialintelligencetechnology #careerchange #employeeexperience
#artificialintelligencetechnology #careerchange #employeeexperience
German firms embrace 'quereinsteiger' amid labor shortage
#laborshortage #DeutscheBahn #education #careerchange #skilledlabor #immigration
#immigration #skilledlabor #careerchange #education #deutschebahn #laborshortage
📢Announcement time!📢
A 🧵
1) I will return to Belgium this summer and do something outside higher ed to earn my crust. I might write more about that later, but not now. There is no juicy gossip or big story, I just want to go back home after 10 years in the US.
More importantly:
2) I'm launching my Radio Blackbird Illustrations website! Check it out!👇🏻
#MastoArt #illustration #PublicHistory #CareerChange
#publichistory #careerchange #Illustration #MastoArt
Joanne Lipman discusses her latest book and helps build out the top six things people should do before they quit their job without knowing what’s next.
#Career #CareerChange
Free Quiz: Which Hogwarts🏠House Does Your Résumé Fall Into? #jobs #jobsearch #agile #scrummaster #careerdevelopment #techjobs #careerchange #scrum #jobhunt #newjob #jobchange #careertransition
#jobs #jobsearch #agile #scrummaster #careerdevelopment #techjobs #careerchange #scrum #jobhunt #newjob #jobchange #careertransition
Worked on this beautiful Poodle today for my #DogGrooming course. He was so intelligent and very cooperative. He helped me get a Distinction for my first assessed practical! #AdultEducation #LifeLongLearning #FurtherEducation #Skills #Training #CareerChange #NeverTooLateToLearn
#doggrooming #adulteducation #lifelonglearning #furthereducation #skills #training #careerchange #nevertoolatetolearn
Quiz: Find out if you're a good fit for the #ScrumMaster role
#careeradvice #newjob #jobhunt #careerchange #techjobs #scrum #CareerDevelopment #agile #scrummaster #careercoaching #jobchange #careertransition
#scrummaster #careeradvice #newjob #jobhunt #careerchange #techjobs #scrum #careerdevelopment #agile #careercoaching #jobchange #careertransition
@capemaydave @anthony How does one become a #patent clerk? Is that job still about staring at a town clock all day long, contemplating the mysteries of the universe while doing the #RoteWork of granting patents? #DreamJob #CareerChange #AskingForAFriend
#patent #rotework #dreamjob #careerchange #askingforafriend