@pivoinebleue Netanyahu's & Trump's (then-"presidential") goals are essentially the same: To abuse governmental power to evade justice, prosecution & indictment for being the crooks they are, utterly disregarding right & wrong.

To achieve this, they're even willing to sacrifice/corrupt the & the system of .
Both (& their respective stooges) are criminal embodiments of a deeply insane & unhealthy understanding of functioning democratic states, both are most unfit to hold public offices.

#separationofpowers #checksandbalances #ruleoflaw #defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #democracy #careercriminals #careerfraudsters #corruption #overthrow #insurrection

Last updated 2 years ago

@ZhiZhu Goofing off & looting in (undeserved) presidential office, did Donald J. Trump ever abide by the most basic provision of the Constitution to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,..."?
Has he even ever been capable of doing so? (Rhetorical question)

#defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #democracy #truthwins #disqualifytrump #careercriminals #careerfraudsters #unelectablegop #partyoflies #lootingamerica #defraudingamerica #americadeservesbetter #americahasbetter

Last updated 2 years ago

@Shachihoko @LeftistLawyer πŸ˜ŽπŸ’Έ Without doubt that at least applies to the deadbeat alleged billionaire, who occupied the White House until 2 years ago, & who regularly dodged paying the bills for his bonkers rallies, leaving payment to taxpayers.
Not to mention the $144 million he burnt for golfing on taxpayers' dime for one whole year, lining his own pockets.


#ruleoflaw #accountabilitynow #JusticeMatters #politics #democracy #drainthetrump #indicttrump #careercriminals #careerfraudsters

Last updated 2 years ago

@ScottLang @TonyStark @HopeVanDyne Being or having been involved in fraudulent activities must be the key to "GOP" congressional membership today.
And you'll most certainly be a "Republican" star, when you're part of a company, that was fined $1.7 billion for massive fraud.
That much for the self-proclaimed party of law(lessness) & (dis)order.


#democracy #defenddemocracy #truthwins #socialsecurity #medicare #accountabilitymatters #unelectablegop #careercriminals #careerfraudsters #jailbirds #rickscott #JAN6 #insurrection #overthrow #yourvoicematters

Last updated 2 years ago

@Free_Press 😎 They could start with supporting prosecutors across the U.S., eg by testifying on criminal acts of Trump they witnessed themselves or were told about by other witnesses.

#ruleoflaw #accountabilitymatters #JusticeMatters #careercriminals #careerfraudsters #nationalsecuritythreat #trump #defenddemocracy #democracy #justice

Last updated 2 years ago

@SeanCasten Someone needs to teach Georgians to abstain from electing idiots, whose only knowledge of gravity means opening their pockets to let gullible folks' dollars fall in.

#disqualifymtg #JAN6 #insurrection #partyoflies #careerfraudsters

Last updated 2 years ago

Maybe less people fell for George Santos, if they just treated him as a lying (bad) entertainer & not as a "politician", which he's unfit to work as.

⭐Santos fooled potential donors, claiming he was a Broadway Musical Producer.⭐

You. Can't. Make. Such. Sh*t. Up!


#ruleoflaw #cleancongress #georgesantos #trump #Impostors #serialliars #betrayingamerica #defraudingamerica #careerfraudsters

Last updated 2 years ago

@SrRochardBunson There are certainly smarter people with dementia, not wearing ugly assault-rifle pins to demonstrate their opposition to the authority of the United States.

#defenddemocracy #banthegop #partyoflies #defraudingamerica #careerfraudsters

Last updated 2 years ago

@freedomofpress The baseline is:

Trump is not only unwilling, but *fundamentally unfit* to "take care, that the laws be faithfully executed", as the Constitution mandates.

#ruleoflaw #disqualifytrump #disqualifyallrebels #careercriminals #careerfraudsters

Last updated 2 years ago

@JillianMHurley If he thinks the government is going after him like it went after Al Capone, he surely won't mind being called a "public enemy", like Frank J. Loesch did in 1930 re Capone, right?

Loesch: "I had the operating director of the Chicago Crime Commission bring before me a list of the outstanding hoodlums, known murderers, murderers which you and I know but can't prove, and there were about one hundred of them, and out of this list I selected twenty-eight men. I put Al Capone at the head and his brother next, and ran down the twenty-eight, every man being really an outlaw. I called them Public Enemies, and so designated them in my letter, sent to the Chief of Police, the Sheriff [and] every law enforcing officer."

#ruleoflaw #JusticeMatters #accountabilitymatters #careercriminals #careerfraudsters #altrumpone

Last updated 2 years ago

@mcopelov @DavMicRot Trump's continued grifting is one of the minor high crimes & misdemeanors he committed undeservedly holding presidential office.
The really damning offense is his refusal to stop committing crimes, his sociopathic disregard of right & wrong, his abysmally disqualifying endeavors to fight all rules, laws, norms & values for the sole purpose to go on holding presidential office, so he'd be protected by his personal compromised DOJ law firm to commit all crimes he wants to commit, free from any legal intervention.
Trump. Must. Be. Held. Accountable. ASAP!
To also show Putin, where the frog's balls are.

#ruleoflaw #defensivedemocracy #democracy #accountabilitymatters #JusticeMatters #trumputin #careercriminals #careerfraudsters

Last updated 2 years ago

@kevinrns Who benefits from these misleading acts in the first place?

Who explicitly & implicitly embraces the principle of "quid pro quo"?

Who is investigated & prosecuted for numbers of various kinds of fraud?

Who is the leading operator of "truth[dot]social", using that antisocial platform without referencing that it's based on stolen mastodon code?

Who needs to refund ~$1 billion (or more) to debt holders?

T___p! (fill in the missing characters β€” not to be confused with missing character!)

#ruleoflaw #accountabilitymatters #careercriminals #careerfraudsters

Last updated 2 years ago

@kingsley He did best, what he knows best:

He not only stole copyrighted music to be played at his ripoff rallies without authorization, he also stole Mastodon's code to set up his extremist platform (un)truth[dot]social.


#mastodon #opensource #ruleoflaw #accountabilitymatters #careercriminals #careerfraudsters #arresttrump #JusticeMatters

Last updated 2 years ago

πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Judge ordered Trump/lawyers to pay $1million in sanctions to Hillary Clinton & DNC.

Every judge in the U.S. should acknowledge this fact & sanction Trump's abuse of the judiciary accordingly:

β€œMr. Trump is a prolific and sophisticated litigant who is repeatedly using the courts to seek revenge on political adversaries... He is the mastermind of strategic abuse of the judicial process, and he cannot be seen as a litigant blindly following the advice of a lawyer. He knew full well the impact of his actions.β€πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

The judge's caustic criticism of Trump-lawyer Alina Habba:
"This case should never have been brought. Its inadequacy as a legal claim was evident from the start. No reasonable lawyer would have filed it. Intended for a political purpose, none of the counts of the amended complaint stated a cognizable legal claim,"

The judge also seemed to anticipate potential claims of Trump & his lawyers that they couldn't afford to pay, giving them time to prove their financial misery β€” Go figure, the self-proclaimed billionaire guy, who ripped off $250 million from gullible supporters for a non-existent "election defense fund" shouldn't be able to pay sanctions of a couple $100,000s?


#ruleoflaw #careercriminals #careerfraudsters #defamation #retaliation #abuseofcourts #abuseofjudiciary #litigationjunkie #sanctions

Last updated 2 years ago

Arena Cops · @ArenaCops
93 followers · 1129 posts · Server infosec.exchange

@hudsonplaskoff George Santos must either have been a student of "Trump university's" Lyologist Faculty, or like Trump he's suffering from Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Both options make him as unfit for public office as his Mar-A-Loco role model.

#georgesantos #obsessiveliars #pathologicalliars #careerfraudsters #cleancongress #banthegop #unelectablegop #antisocialpersonalitydisorder

Last updated 2 years ago