#CTOs, #CIOs have a central role to play when it comes to keeping the business competitive and should play a central role in any roadmap concerning upskilling or reskilling of IT talent, including software developers.
By being involved in the upskilling of software developers,
⟫⟫⟫ CTOs can ensure that technology is being effectively utilized,
⟫⟫⟫ resulting in products or services moving to market faster and
⟫⟫⟫ better business outcomes overall.
✐ ✓
Doug Murray, CEO of Auvik , explains that despite recent sweeping layoffs at many of the tech giants, there is still a tech and IT talent gap, and one of the most effective ways for organizations to overcome this is by investing in their people.
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#ctos #cios #chieftechnologyofficers #CTO #cio #pdp #personaldevelopmentplan #business #developerteam #softwaredevelopers #Design #systems #cloudplatforms #AI #technologies #tech #learningjourney #smallincrements #individualskills #careergoal