#CovidMitigation #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne
#WearAMask #BringBackMasks
#aranet4 #CleanAir #CorsiRosenthalBox #CRBox
#ClimateJustice #LaudatoSi
#CareForCreation #ZeroWaste
#IndieGames #CozyGames #WholesomeGames
Fiddling around with #GatherTown
#Jesus #Catholicism #Saints #CatholicArt #Theology
#PrayerRequest #Evangelization #Liturgy
#CovidMitigation #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #WearAMask #BringBackMasks #AraNet4 #cleanair #corsirosenthalbox #crbox #climatejustice #laudatosi #careforcreation #zerowaste #fairtrade #ethicallymade #consistentlifeethic #indiegames #cozygames #wholesomegames #gathertown #jesus #catholicism #saints #catholicart #theology #prayerrequest #evangelization #liturgy
Is #theologiston a hashtag folks are using? I found a list of #theologians on #mastodon that used that word. (This is Paul's daughter still searching for more people for "him" to follow!) #Ecology #Ethics #Christianity #Lutheran (ELCA) #CosmicChrist #HistoricalTheology #SystematicTheology #PracticalTheology #Ecojustice #CareForCreation #CaringForCreation #HarvardDivinity #WellesleyCollege #LutheransRestoringCreation
#theologiston #theologians #Mastodon #ecology #ethics #christianity #lutheran #cosmicchrist #historicaltheology #systematictheology #practicaltheology #ecojustice #careforcreation #caringforcreation #harvarddivinity #wellesleycollege #lutheransrestoringcreation
Today I was delighted to commission a new team to inspire and guide our church community @allsaintswokingham in our journey to become an accredited Eco Church #ClimateJustice #ClimateEmergency #EarthCare #CareForCreation
#ClimateJustice #ClimateEmergency #earthcare #careforcreation