More Than 60% of the Biggest Fossil Fuel Companies Are Not on Track to Meet 1.5°C Goal, Study Finds
“Not only did we find the majority of these companies are not currently aligned, but the outlook is also troubling. If recent trends (2010-2018) continue, the companies would produce up to 68% (coal), 42% (oil) and 53% (gas) more than their cumulative production budgets by 2050”
#coal #oil #gas #production #noncompliance #ParisAgreement #goals #lackofoversight #complicitgovernments #bribery #ecocide #careless #profit #machine
#coal #oil #gas #production #noncompliance #parisagreement #goals #lackofoversight #complicitgovernments #bribery #ecocide #careless #profit #machine
fck the planet, look at me.
#garbage #everest #narcissism #careless
»In one video posted by #CyberInt [an Israeli #threat intelligence firm], an analyst for the firm discusses her approach to go into online communities and “detect threat actors when they are #young or starting out at 14 or 15, that's when I start observing and documenting their malicious activities.” At that age, they are “more #careless and open,” the analyst said.«
via @tarnkappeinfo
#whatsapp #reddit #discord #careless #young #threat #Cyberint #minors #minorityreport
#careless : free from care or anxiety. hence, cheerful
- French: inaperçu
- German: sorglos
- Italian: inavvertito
- Portuguese: descuidado
- Spanish: inadvertido
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I reached into my chest, pulled my heart out, and said:
"Here is my heart, beating for you. Please be careful with it. It is very easy to break."
I then handed it to her. I should have known better. She carelessly dropped it into her pocket... Then, after a few months of neglect, she decided to stomp all over it, and my heart broke.
#heart #love #relationships #breakup #careless #neglect
#AbolishThePolice: Poorly designed streets coupled with #careless or #aggressive #driving aren’t the only sources of danger on our streets. For too long, we have leaned on traffic #enforcement rather than #infrastructure to make our streets #safe. Unfortunately, rather than targeting #dangerous driving, #biased traffic stops disproportionately target #Black and #Latino Californians, making no one safer and and our most vulnerable residents less secure.
#abolishthepolice #careless #aggressive #driving #enforcement #infrastructure #safe #dangerous #biased #black #latino
No one cares whether I live or die, suffer in silence, kill myself softly with these poisonous thoughts. People only care once you're gone, no longer a heavy burden on their listless lives. After we are gone, only do they remember the good we once brought to life's empty table. The bounty we shared with them when they were hungry for a peace of mind - starving for affection. A careless death indeed. #careless #death #indeed
Why do people trash #nature? - Beaches, parks and rivers? They leave rubbish when they don't #value something.
#Outdoor #Events #AustraliaDay #Party #CareFree #Holidays #Careless #BrokenWindowsTheory #Bellingen #Roads #dumping #NeverNever #ArthurKeoghReserve
#nature #value #outdoor #events #australiaday #party #carefree #holidays #careless #brokenwindowstheory #bellingen #roads #dumping #nevernever #arthurkeoghreserve
So I’ve helped a neighbour out quite a few times in the last 6 months. Now he’s moving out, told me yesterday. But he had to get it in there, couldn’t resist. “I’m a #christian, and want to live with others like me.” Like I could #careless. Sheesh. I have yet to meet a #godbotherer who doesn’t spout it somewhere along the line.
#christian #careless #godbotherer
The biggest Tory scandal of the week, from an extremely long list, is currently being discussed on with, and it’s not a good luck for a certain Rishi Sunak…
#careless #toriesout201 #GeneralElectionNow
Whilst he was Chancellor, Rishi Sunak carelessly allowed the boss of Russia’s murderous mercenary army to circumvent its own sanctions and launch a targeted legal attack on a British journalist.
#careless #toriesout201 #GeneralElectionNow
RT Zahawi might have carelessly hidden £27 million from HMRC in an offshore trust, but at least he didn’t carelessly grant special licenses to a sanctioned Russian Oligarch war criminal so that he could sue a British journalist through the London courts…
RT Zahawi might have carelessly hidden £27 million from HMRC in an offshore trust, but at least he didn’t carelessly grant special licenses to a sanctioned Russian Oligarch war criminal so that he could sue a British journalist through the London courts…
Whilst he was Chancellor, Rishi Sunak carelessly allowed the boss of Russia’s murderous mercenary army to circumvent its own sanctions and launch a targeted legal attack on a British journalist.
#careless #toriesout201 #GeneralElectionNow
I just tried to pay off my balance on Klarna and carelessly set up a series of offshore trusts with money funnelled through a series of proxy company accounts in my Dad, Wife and Kids names to hide £27 million from HMRC.
Anyone else had this problem?
This is dangerous logic. has spent years defending his #Tax positions.
People highlighted issues, and he responded with #SLAPP letters and claimed to be compliant.
If I was told 12yrs ago my returns were dodgy?
Yet carried on regardless?
Am I #careless or #Criminal?
#criminal #careless #slapp #tax
Not deliberate, he simply could not care less. #careless #negligent #taxevasion
Zahawi claims error with his taxes ‘careless not deliberate’
#taxevasion #negligent #careless