@holli Welcome, holli. I look forward to getting to know you. My wife is such a great #carepartner, as I have #Parkinsons . I can only empathize and realize that life can often be as tough if not more so for you all as is it can be for us.
Reflecting on my relationship with the #FlyingPigRanchAndThistleFarm prompts me to use #CarePartner and #GroundsPartner as more appropriate labels. My responsibilities are to mitigate the burden that we place on the living earth of the FPR&TF.
Itinerant #Poet In Residence
Personal #Chef to the "B"
#Linux (circa 1997)
#Razqal brother of #Loki
#loki #razqal #Concierge #confidant #raconteur #renaissant #futurist #foss #linux #chef #poet #groundspartner #carepartner #flyingpigranchandthistlefarm #introduction