#Agribusiness giant #Cargill linked to #deforestation in Bolivia. https://insideclimatenews.org/news/06092023/agribusiness-giant-cargill-is-in-activists-crosshairs-for-its-connections-to-deforestation-in-bolivia/
#deforestation #cargill #agribusiness
A cargo #ship fitted with giant, rigid British-designed #sails has set out on its maiden voyage. Shipping firm #Cargill, which has chartered the #vessel, hopes the technology will help the industry chart a course towards a greener future
https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-66543643 #climatechange
#ship #sails #cargill #vessel #climatechange
"The ship(#PyxisOcean) , chartered by US shipping firm #Cargill, has been retrofitted with two #WindWings – large steel sails 37.5 meters (123 foot) tall, designed by UK company #BARTechnologies and produced by industrialization partner Yara Marine Technologies.
The wings are expected to generate emissions savings of up to 30%." #WindPower #SailingShips #GreenTech
Wind-powered #CargoShip sets sail in a move to make shipping greener | CNN
#cargoship #greentech #sailingships #windpower #bartechnologies #windwings #cargill #pyxisocean
#Fleisch #Tierschutz
Die Frage ist nicht:
Fleisch oder kein_Fleisch ? , sondern wieviel_Fleisch esse ich ? und wo_bzw_wie wird dieses produziert ? ;
dabei kann die konsumierte Fleischmenge bei 0 bis 100 kg / Jahr liegen; gesund für den Menschen wäre es eh viiiel weniger Fleich als der momentane schnitt und auch mit viiiiel weniger Antibiotika zu essen.
#cargill #soja #tierschutz #fleisch #gedanken_zu
huhu @fff
habt ihr auch positionen zu #Lieferkettengesetz
#mercosur #soja
How #sustainable is
#cargill really ? fudda für die Kühe ?!? aus Süd-Amerika #GM
#PR from the #CorporateSystem
#corporatesystem #pr #gm #cargill #sustainable #soja #mercosur #lieferkettengesetz
Ganz am Anfang anfangen.
#Lieferketten bedeutet #verantwortung über nehmen. Leute müssen von guter Arbeit leben können.
Wenn nicht ist ein demokratischer Kapitalismus nicht besser als eine Diktatur.
Profite beschränken .. Wtf .. Ganz neu.
#Korruption bekämpfen ..
Frage: WAS tut die deutsche #bundesregierung für Menschenrechte und fairen Handel ?
#faircoffee #palmol #soja #cargill #bundesregierung #korruption #verantwortung #lieferketten
"Cargill accused of breaching own deforestation and human rights commitments"
#Cargill #Deforestation #Environment
#Environment #deforestation #cargill
These anti-capitalist capitalists *love* big government. They love no-bid military contracts, they love #ACA subsidies for health insurance companies, they love #FarmBill cash for #Cargill and #Monsanto. What they don't love is *markets*.
Case in point: #pharma giant #Merck. The #InflationReductionAct (#IRA) includes a provision that allows #Medicare to (finally) start (weakly) negotiating the prices it pays for (a tiny handful of) drugs.
#aca #farmbill #cargill #monsanto #pharma #merck #InflationReductionAct #ira #medicare
#ClientEarth, an #EnvironmentalLaw organisation, filed the formal complaint on Thursday, accusing Cargill of inadequate monitoring and a laggard response to the decline of the #AmazonRainforest and other globally important biomes, such as the #CerradoSavannah and the #AtlanticForest.
#GrainTrader #Cargill faces legal challenge in #US over Brazilian #soya #SupplyChain | #Deforestation | The Guardian
#deforestation #supplychain #soya #us #cargill #graintrader #AtlanticForest #cerradosavannah #amazonrainforest #EnvironmentalLaw #ClientEarth
More of the companies supporting the war in Ukraine.
#LG #ASUS #Cargill #MissionTortilla #Gruma #Avon #Natura
#natura #Avon #Gruma #missiontortilla #cargill #asus #LG
Cargill won't use PSSI
Forced to hire child workers
Not acceptable
#cargill #pssi #childworkers #migrantkids #haiku #poetry
#cargill #pssi #childworkers #migrantkids #haiku #poetry
I received an email from the #PlantBasedTreaty team regarding the animal gifting program, run by #Oxfam.
As written in the email:
"... organizations like Oxfam, #HeiferInternational and #Cargill run animal gifting programs that provide animals such as #goats, #chickens and #cows to communities in need across the globe. While these initiatives seem like a compassionate gesture, they inadvertently cause harm to the environment, animals, and the well-being of the communities they aim to help. Animal gifting schemes are described by the renowned conservation charity the #WorldLandTrust as ‘environmentally unsound and economically disastrous’."
Further, there is a quote by Jane Goodall in the email:
"Farm animals are purchased in large numbers by generous donors. Unfortunately this can result in unintended consequences. The animals must be fed, and they need a lot of water, and in some places, water is getting more and more scarce thanks to climate change. It would be ever so much better to support plant-based projects and sustainable irrigation methods, and regenerative agriculture to improve the soil."
To email Oxfam, click here https://thesavemovement.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=bd7453b43196acfe20da5384a&id=97062bed0a&e=fb8489d2d6
To sign the petition, click here: https://thesavemovement.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=bd7453b43196acfe20da5384a&id=964d78c7ea&e=fb8489d2d6
Thank you all for your attention.
#vegan #vegans #veganism #GoVegan #VeganForTheAnimals #AnimalRights
#PlantBasedTreaty #oxfam #heiferinternational #cargill #goats #chickens #cows #worldlandtrust #stopanimalgifting #vegan #vegans #veganism #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #animalrights
@HolgerHellinger @friederikeschmitz
Wir meiden auch Fastfoodketten, aber diese #Cargill -Buden sind ein Indikator, ob sich wenigstens irgendwas bewegt.
#Jay&Joy ist eine Super-Käserei.
#Nurishh macht einen guten veganen Camembert.
#HankBurger in Paris hat uns sehr gut gefallen.
Normale Restaurants, die auch etwas Veganes anbieten, sind leider noch sehr selten.
Dabei kann man mit 2-5 Zutaten sehr viele Rezepte veganisieren.
#cargill #jay #nurishh #hankburger #govegan
Gigantes do suco de laranja viram réus em ação na Justiça que cobra R$ 12,7 bilhões
#LouisDreyfusCompanyLdc #EmpresasDeSucoDeLaranja #Cutrale #ConselhoAdministrativoDeDefesaEconômicaCade #Citrosuco #CartelEconômico #Cargill #ForbesMoney #ForbesAgro
#louisdreyfuscompanyldc #empresasdesucodelaranja #cutrale #conselhoadministrativodedefesaeconomicacade #citrosuco #carteleconomico #cargill #forbesmoney #forbesagro
Rússia diz que Cargill deixará de exportar grãos cultivados no país
#russia #graos #cargill #agronegocio #forbesagro