#CargoBike #CargoTrike #CarryShitOlympics A couple other loads from last year.
#cargobike #cargotrike #carryshitolympics
#CargoTrike #CargoBike #CarryShitOlympics Probably the heaviest load the trike moved last year, serving as a cart to bring the plants inside.
#cargotrike #cargobike #carryshitolympics
First Scavenge Of The Year! Living in #MadisonWI, it's amazing how much good furniture that just *has* to be saved I find on the way to and from work, especially given my extremely short commute distance.
#madisonwi #carryshitolympics #cargobike #cargotrike #ebike
Osamede Obayuwana of TFS Cargo Bicycles in Nigeria talks about cargo bicycles as a sustainable tool for socio-economic development in Africa.
#decadeofthecargobike #cargobike #cargotrike #nigeria #africa
#decadeofthecargobike #cargobike #cargotrike #nigeria #africa
Delighted to have been selected as one of the Cycling UK #100WomenInCycling.
Sitting on the list alongside some fabulous women. Have a look here: https://cyclinguk.org/100women/2022
Thank you to those who nominated me 😊
#100womenincycling #cyclingdisabled #cargotrike #cargobike
There's lots of great things about cycling as a #disabled person. For me: freedom, reduced pain physical activity & car-free independence.
But there are also lots of barriers.
One that I often face on cycle infrastructure is the beg button being close to the road. This means I either have to sacrifice Frida & the bucket to traffic or park further back & dismount. And not all disabled cyclists can dismount easily.
#CyclingDisabled #ActiveTravel #CargoBike #CargoTrike #ClimateaChange
#disabled #cyclingdisabled #activetravel #cargobike #cargotrike #climateachange
This is my #CargoTrike. I've had it for almost two years and cycled over 2000 miles on it so far.
I have nerve damage in my left arm and hand and it's adapted so that braking and gears are all on the right side. Unlike a lot of cargo trikes the bucket isnt attached to the steering. This means I can steer using my right hand and arm only as it's alot lighter.
If you have any questions about #trike #trikes or #CyclingDisabled let me know 😊
#cargotrike #trike #trikes #cyclingdisabled #activetravel #disability #MobilityAid
This is an accessible cycle parking spot.
It's designed so you can cycle in and cycle out out of it.
It has a lower bar to lock to as adapted cycles often have lower frames than standard two wheel bikes.
It's also clearly demarcated as being reserved for disabled cyclists. This means we don't have to negotiate using busy racks where other bikes might be obstacles.
This was implemented at the University of Manchester, UK.
#CyclingDisabled #Cycling #CargoBike #CargoTrike #ActiveTravel
#cyclingdisabled #cycling #cargobike #cargotrike #activetravel
This is a walking & cycling path that I always use.
Originally the chicanes were spaced so closely together I couldn't get my trike through.
I asked the council for an equality impact assessment and then threatened legal action under the equality act for discrimination.
They widened the chicanes - imo not enough - but I can now squeeze through.
It's made a huge difference in extending where I can cycle to independently.
#cyclingdisabled #cargotrike #cargobike #activetravel
Pretty sweet miniature #cargotrike i saw in #antwerpen today. I would have loved this as a kid. I could have started my dumpster obsession early
a lot of fans...
a lot of fans...