Fy nghorff wedi blino ar ôl llawer o waith ychwanegol yn ddiweddar
Popeth dwi eisiau ei wneud heddiw yw gorwedd yma a breuddwyd dydd am yr un dwi'n ei garu yn fwy na bywyd ei hun ❤️
My body is tired after a lot of extra work recently
All I want to do today is lie here and daydream about the one I love more than life itself ❤️
#love #cariad #welshpractice #ymarfercymraeg
Volkswagen Plans To Replace Cariad Management - CleanTechnica #software #ev #volkswagen #cariad
#software #ev #volkswagen #cariad
Wedi mynd i Llanilltud Fawr i ymuno gyda phobl leol I wrthwynebu ffasgwyr. Ond ddaeth dim un ffasgwr heddi. #cariad
In 2019, Volkswagen decided to create a car OS—how’s that going? - Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson)
In 2019, Volkswagen Group had ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1929749 #softwaredevelopment #volkswagengroup #infotainment #vwid.buzz #android #cariad #cars #vw
#vw #cars #cariad #android #vwid #infotainment #volkswagengroup #softwaredevelopment
Volkswagen group are getting into the app store business with Cariad. The new venture will help automakers develop apps for vehicles, and they're even looking to popular platforms like TikTok.#Volkswagen #Audi #Porsche #Cariad #AppStore #TechNews #itaddup
#volkswagen #audi #porsche #cariad #appstore #technews #itaddup
@Breznsoiza Ich wünsche dir, dass du als early adopter nicht auch so viele Probleme wie wir mit unserem ID.3 haben wirst. Der ist nach über zwei Jahren noch immer eine Software-Ruine. #cariad #bev #vwfromhell
In Cymru (Wales) and for Cymry (Welsh people) throughout the world, today (25th January) is Dydd Santes Dwynwen – St. Dwynwen’s Day. Dwynwen is the Welsh Saint of Love, so this day is the Welsh equivalent to Saint Valentine’s Day.
Dydd Santes Dwynwen Hapus i chi gyd! - Happy St Dwynwen’s Day to you all! ❤️❤️
#Dwynwen #SantesDwynwen #Cariad #Love #Cymru #Cymry
#cymry #cymru #love #cariad #santesdwynwen #dwynwen
"The script for romance has been changing ... and it will continue to change along with our sense of what is “normal.” How that process happens has a lot to do with representation in the stories we tell, and in the stories we consume ... "
My new essay for the Insitute of Art and Ideas is out now!
"The romantic 'happy ever after' myth "is unrealistic, but in the same way that beauty standards are: we are all meant to fall short to some degree, and then feel bad about it, and then to go out and buy something to feel (temporarily) better.
My work isn’t aimed at showing the myth is unrealistic – we know that already. It’s aimed at unmasking the myth as a bad ideal to aim at in the first place."
#cariad #athroniaeth #romance #love #philosophy
OH has just brought me a coffee in bed, before I get up for work. 💕💕 Treats me like a princess, love him so much.
Software is eating the world https://www.golem.de/news/volkswagen-cariad-probleme-verschieben-marktstart-wichtiger-fahrzeuge-2207-166759.html #Cariad