EURACTIV Transport · @euractiv_transport
129 followers · 316 posts · Server
Sam Butler · @sambutlerUS
265 followers · 264 posts · Server


If we're asking, "Do we have so many pickup trucks because consumers wanted pickup trucks — or because car companies wanted to sell them?"

I think we'd find it's mostly because companies wanted to sell pickup trucks. Advertising, product placement, pricing, promotions all shape consumer preferences.

Also, car companies can only offer cheap trucks by skirting regulations. This is why the oversized truck Mike drives in LA is regulated less than every other car driving to pickup coffee in the morning.

Also posted on Groundtalk — a low-energy, low-data microblogging client in development with cross-platform posting:

#trucks #cars #fuckcars #carfree #transit #yimby #nimby #streets #roads #traffic #TrafficViolence #carindustry #regulation #government #policy #history #politics

Last updated 1 year ago

Frank Zimper · @fzimper
245 followers · 2134 posts · Server

@doctorow on fire:

"This is the urinary tract infection business model: without digitization, all your car's value flowed in a healthy stream. But once the car-makers add semiconductors, each one of those features comes out in a painful, burning dribble, with every button on that fakakta touchscreen wired directly into your credit-card."

#enshittification #car #carindustry #internetofshit #surveillancecapitalism

Last updated 1 year ago

EVSHIFT · @evshift
6 followers · 258 posts · Server
EURACTIV Economy · @euractiv_economy
155 followers · 608 posts · Server
Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
115 followers · 1380 posts · Server

: Mamdani is co-introducing legislation for a vehicle-registration fee intended to discourage people from purchasing . “The is pushing the sale of heavier and larger vehicles,” he says. “The state has to make it clear that these types of vehicles come with a certain kind of cost.”

#crashesarentaccidents #weightbased #heavier #vehicles #carindustry #carfreecitycentersplease

Last updated 1 year ago

Richard Forrester - 🐦 escapee · @RichForrest2
166 followers · 3496 posts · Server
Cazzandro · @KodeGhinn
7 followers · 310 posts · Server
bs2 · @bsmall2
200 followers · 3634 posts · Server

> ... some fans suspect an auto-industry stitch-up to keep out cheap Japanese competition. If so, it would not be the first time..

#fairytales #capitalism #laissezfaire #freemarket #automotiveindustry #carindustry

Last updated 2 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
225 followers · 3979 posts · Server

> ... some fans suspect an auto-industry stitch-up to keep out cheap Japanese competition. If so, it would not be the first time..

#fairytales #capitalism #laissezfaire #freemarket #automotiveindustry #carindustry

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Ribeiro 💙:toad: · @anaribeiro
449 followers · 7336 posts · Server

Warning UK car industry under threat without help - BBC News

#uk #carindustry

Last updated 2 years ago

Yeri · @yeri
137 followers · 1440 posts · Server

This information alone would be enough to regulate the hood design of SUVs and light trucks, but instead the industry solution for this is proximity sensors and front-facing cameras, because car companies are happy for any regulations that means they can sell you more stuff.

#childsafety #carindustry #suv #usa #australia #cars #car

Last updated 2 years ago

Yeri · @yeri
137 followers · 1439 posts · Server

Over a ten-year period, over 500 American children were killed by being run over by – usually by their own parents, in their own driveways. This is insane! This is legitimately in any civilized .

#suvs #insane #society #childsafety #carindustry #suv #usa #australia #cars #car

Last updated 2 years ago

TalkTeaV · @TalkTeaV
408 followers · 606 posts · Server

American Auto (The $10K Car): Sadie and Cyrus struggle with how honest to be about Katherine's car idea; Elliot pawns his vicious dog off on Dori. Executives and employees of a major automobile company try to adjust to a rapidly shifting industry.
Season 1 Episode 4

#americanauto #americanautonbc #sitcoms #tvseries #carindustry #whattowatch #peacock #thebronx #talkingtv #TV #comedyseries #wednesdaywisdom #womeninbiz #comedy

Last updated 2 years ago

(Stuped)_cea · @alcea
16 followers · 862 posts · Server

@tshirtman @koyu @internic

The CAN-Bus ?

I'm not even sure how useful that is nowadays.

As for
"Plox put software on my car"

Not sure if I wanna be driven over by some bozo playing supermarioland via retroarch on their hax0red

Also, and ?
(Hint: ...)

This maybe:

#car #carindustry #opensource #asif

Last updated 2 years ago

Web hackers vs Bil industrien - 1-0.
Shiit det er ikke småting de har fundet og fået adgang til her::

#infosec #hacking #carindustry #web

Last updated 2 years ago

Itamar Medeiros · @designative
305 followers · 1147 posts · Server
Itamar Medeiros · @designative
305 followers · 1147 posts · Server
Gary · @empiricism
175 followers · 526 posts · Server

1) Some adults use the deception (lies) of an elaborate story to convince trusting (& gullible) young children that father Christmas is real.

2) Some adults use the deception (lies) of an elaborate story to convince trusting (& gullible) adults that anthropogenic climate change isn't real.

The former (1) is generally a well intended confidence trick ("con trick"). The deceiving adults believe that the deception is for a good cause.

The latter (2) is a greed intended confidence trick (fraud). The deceiving adults perceive that the deception is for a monetary & political cause.

"A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their trust. Confidence tricks exploit victims using their credulity, naïveté, compassion, vanity, confidence, irresponsibility, and greed.

Researchers have defined confidence tricks as "a distinctive species of fraudulent conduct intending to further voluntary exchanges that are not mutually beneficial", as they "benefit con operators ('con men') at the expense of their victims (the marks"

Young people ("children") are easy to con because they want to believe in the fantasy of, the spirit of, Christmas.

(On average) Adults are easy to con because they want to believe in their consumerist lifestyles (personal agendas) & products (e.g., combustion engined vehicles, fuel burning activities, plastic products, etc). And they don't want to believe that their lifestyles harm their children's health.

They don't want to believe that their lifestyles & governments are ruining their children's future (but they're). They want to believe that they're good people (well intended). In a monopolised - economic, political & consumerist culture, the easiest way to believe that , is to lie to yourself & believe the greenwash.

"Climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying, and some trends are now irreversible, at least during the present time frame, according to the latest much-anticipated Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released on Monday (2021)"

Since 2021, the situation has become worse. More Greenhouse gases have been emitted. More ecological degradation has occurred. The ecocidel consumerism death machine continues to promote "growth" using methods that are killing life

Deception includes lies (disinformation). However, for a con-trick to be effective, the "mark" (the consumer, the voter) must desire something. The "con man" (person) users the desire of the individual to convince them, to sell them, an elaborate story. Once the "mark" has been indoctrinated - the "mark" then becomes an implicit agent that spreads the lies. The deception. The greenwash. The "mark" believes in the lie & becomes implicit in supporting & defending the lie & the liars.

Chances are (probability) that the person whom reads this has been greenwashed. Because, fundamentally, they want to believe in the greenwash.

I know adults that perceive themselves as people that care for the environment & the children's health & future, and yet they burn coal & wood, drive diesel vehicles, eat meat, support ecocide politicians & governments, and parrot repeat, word for word, what the fuel industries & associated politicians say.

At least the climate change deniers can make believe that their air polluting activities don't have consequences.

#disinformation #SpeciesExtinctions #ecology #ecologicalcrisis #christmas #ecocide #airpollution #climate #climatechange #unsustainable #desire #fossilfuels #carindustry #industry #biodiversity #deception #greenwash #greed #consumerism #indoctrination #climatedenial #plastic #meatindustry #politics

Last updated 2 years ago