Heute Don’t forget
19Uhr Gespräch zu Partnerschaften & zur Sicherheitslage in mit:
-Konrad Seigfried, FK
-Barthélemy Sawadogo, NGO AZND
19:45Uhr Vortrag Matthias Hofmann, Historiker & Orientalist zur Lage in & 20:40Uhr Vorführung des Dokumentarfilms "Die letzte Zuflucht" zu Flucht& Migration von Gao (Mali) durch die & Vortrag Volker Gerdesmeier

- Im @scalalive und im Livestream: mixcloud.com/live/scalatv

#Sahelzone #BurkinaFaso #mali #sahara #caritasinternational

Last updated 2 years ago

Stella Arnaldo · @StellaArnaldo
37 followers · 77 posts · Server journa.host

The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, in a Nov. 22 statement, clarified an independent review found “no evidence emerged of financial mismanagement or sexual impropriety.”

However, “deficiencies were noted in management and procedures, seriously prejudicing team-spirit and staff morale,” said the dicastery which supervises Caritas Internationalis.


#popefrancis #cardinaltagle #vatican #caritasinternational

Last updated 2 years ago