I'm going to be very disappointed if the year doesn't end with Rudy #Giuliani calling a joint press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping to defend #GeorgeSantos and #CarlaRossi.
#giuliani #georgesantos #carlarossi
the thing about both Andrew Tate's arrest and the uncovering of the receptio fraud is that they are both 100% unforced errors, which are my least favourite source of drama in fiction but one of my most favourite in real life (I guess because I refuse to believe people would be that reckless until they do so irl)
like, if the two of them had minded their business they would have been fine.
#receptio #ReceptioGate #Tate #AndrewTate #Rossi #CarlaRossi
#receptio #receptiogate #tate #andrewtate #rossi #carlarossi
@Marphurius vielen Dank. Ich fragte mich schon die ganze Zeit, ob @SNF_ch auf dem Laufenden ist und ob es eine Position von ihnen zu #carlarossi gibt #receptiogate
@jacquelinehylkema Appalling academic plagiarism. This earlier blog post gives more context: https://mssprovenance.blogspot.com/2022/12/nobody-cares-about-your-blog.html
#histodons #forgery #carlarossi
Just before Christmas medievalist #PeterKidd discovered that another scholar probably plagiarized part of his blog. It took the Medievalist community on Twitter less than 24 hours to uncover what may well be a major academic hoax, including a fake institute with fake employees and some very real research grants. #ReceptioGate unfolding in real time: https://mssprovenance.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-receptio-rossi-affair-part-i-staff.html
#peterkidd #receptiogate #histodons #forgerystudies #carlarossi
@erik_kwakkel Not satisfied with plagiarising, this academic doubled-down by using an invented staff member to field the complaint. Several people say they have made her university's Research Integrity office aware, so hopefully they'll investigate. #PublicationEthics #UniversityOfZurich #CarlaRossi #Plagiarism #AcademicPublishing #AcademicMisconduct #MedievalMastodon
#medievalmastodon #academicMisconduct #academicpublishing #plagiarism #carlarossi #UniversityofZurich #PublicationEthics